javascript - 无法写入 javascript 回调中的 textContent 属性

标签 javascript closures innertext


我开发了简单的脚本并面临下一个问题:我尝试在回调函数内重新分配 element.innerText 属性,但没有任何反应。

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
    <meta charset="UTF-8">
    <title>JS Countdown</title>
    <span class="countdown">00:01:00</span>
    <span class="test">AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!</span>

        let counter = 134; // number of seconds
        let countdown =  document.querySelector('.countdown'); // where time content located

        // timer function 
        // duration of timer
        // countdown = element where put content
        !function timer(duration, countdown) {

            // run loop
            let id = setInterval(function () {
                if( duration === 0 ) {
                    console.log("Timer with id #" + id +  " stopped!");

                    // when loop ends I want to paste some text into tag
                    // but nothing happen
                    countdown.textContent = "Loop ends!"; 

                countdown.innerText = duration--; // this works fine and content of tag updates on 
                // every loop

            }, 10);
        }(counter,countdown); // run


那么,如何通过 setInterval 回调更改外部标记的值?




    let counter = 134; // number of seconds
    let countdown =  document.querySelector('.countdown'); // where time content located

    // timer function 
    // duration of timer
    // countdown = element where put content
    !function timer(duration, countdown) {

        // run loop
        let id = setInterval(function () {
            if( duration === 0 ) {
                console.log("Timer with id #" + id +  " stopped!");

                // when loop ends I want to paste some text into tag
                // but nothing happen
                countdown.textContent = "Loop ends!"; 

            countdown.innerText = duration--; // this works fine and content of tag updates on 
            // every loop

        }, 10);
    }(counter,countdown); // run


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