javascript - Puppeteer 从 <dl> 结构中获取元素

标签 javascript node.js puppeteer dom-manipulation


<dl class="foo-bar">

这是我想用纯 JS 做的:

let list = document.querySelectorAll('.foo-bar')

let key = list[0].children[0].innerText // would give me "Key"


let list = await page.evaluate(() => Array.from(document.querySelectorAll('.foo-bar'), element => element))

let key = list[0] //returns empty object ({})

编辑: 我需要访问所有 dt 键/值。最好将它们添加到这样的对象中:

let object = {
    key1: "key1",
    value1: "value1",
    key2: "key2",
    value2: "value2"



.foo-bar dt, .foo-bar dd选择器应该为您提供所有 <dt> 的数组和 <dd>嵌套在 <dl class="foo-bar"></dl> 中的元素.

const list = await page.evaluate(() => document.querySelectorAll('.foo-bar dt, .foo-bar dd'));

const key = list[0].innerText;

或者,您可以使用 $$() page method ,本质上是 document.querySelectorAll() .这是一个例子:

const list = await page.$$('.foo-bar dt, .foo-bar dd');

const key = list[0].innerText;

这是一个如何使用 reduce() 的示例在您的数组上将其转换为您需要的对象:

// Stubbing the list data for example.
const list = [
  { innerText: 'key1' },
  { innerText: 'value1' },
  { innerText: 'key2' },
  { innerText: 'value2' },
  { innerText: 'key3' },
  { innerText: 'value3' }

const test = list.reduce((acc, v, i) => {
  // Map even items as properties and odd items as values to prev property.
  i % 2 === 0 ? acc[v.innerText] = null : acc[list[i-1].innerText] = v.innerText;
  return acc;
}, {});


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