javascript - 遍历嵌套的对象数组,匹配到另一个对象数组

标签 javascript arrays multidimensional-array mapping javascript-objects

我是 Javascript 的新手,我正在尝试遍历一个嵌套的对象数组,并根据第一个对象的属性过滤第二个对象数组。


const displayArr = {
   sections: {
      section_1: [
          style: "single_select_cmp",
          definition: {
            table_name: "table_1",
            field_name: "organization",
      section_2: [
          style: "single_select_cmp",
          definition: {
            table_name: "table_1",
            field_name: "title",

const schemaArr = [
    table_1: {
      columns: [
          description: "Tracking Number Desc",
          display_name: "Tracking Number",
          display_type: "number",
          field: "tracking_number",
          type: "int"
          description: "Title Desc",
          display_name: "Title",
          display_type: "multiple lines of text",
          field: "title",
          type: "text"
          description: "Description Desc",
          display_name: "Description",
          display_type: "multiple lines of text",
          field: "description",
          type: "text"
          description: "Organization Desc",
          display_name: "Organization",
          display_type: "single line of text",
          field: "organization",
          type: "text"
  table_2: { columns: [ {...}, {...} ] }
  table_3: { columns: [ {...}, {...} ] }

我正在尝试通过 displayArr 中的 table_namefield_name 过滤 schemaArr。当匹配时,我想向 displayArr 提供 descriptiondisplay_name。例如:

const displayArr = {
   sections: {
      section_1: [
          style: "single_select_cmp",
          definition: {
            table_name: "table_1",
            field_name: "organization",
            description: "Organization Description", //***
            display_name: "Organization" //***
      section_2: [
          style: "single_select_cmp",
          definition: {
            table_name: "table_1",
            field_name: "title",
            description: "Title Description", //***
            display_name: "Title" //***

在这个例子中,我只从 table_1 中提取,但是 displayArr 中可能引用了任意数量的表。

对我来说,鉴于这些对象是嵌套的,这是一个更复杂的映射/过滤情况。我想知道如何正确有效地利用 map、filter 和/或 forEach。



Object.values()可用于获取 displayArr 对象和 forEach() 的值可用于对其进行迭代。

find()方法可用于在 schemaArr 中查找带有 table_name 的表。如果表存在,则 find()方法可以再次用于查找具有项目的 field_name 的列。

然后 displayArr 对象的定义项可以用这个找到的列值更新。

Object.values(displayArr.sections).forEach(section => {
  section.forEach(item => {
    let table = schemaArr.find(table => table[item.definition.table_name]);

    if (table) {
      // Find column by field_name.
      let obj = table[item.definition.table_name].columns.find(column => column.field === item.definition.field_name);           

      if (obj) {
        // Update definition.
        item.definition.description = obj.description;
        item.definition.display_name = obj.display_name;

关于javascript - 遍历嵌套的对象数组,匹配到另一个对象数组,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:



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