javascript - dialog.showMessageBox 不返回 Electron main.js 中的按钮索引

标签 javascript callback dialog electron messagebox

我有一个消息框,当用户在 dashboardWindow 上单击关闭(Windows 操作系统右上角的 X 按钮)时,该消息框将打开

dashboardWindow.on("close", (event) => {
    console.log("before message box");
        message: "Test",
        buttons: ["Default Button", "Cancel Button"],
        defaultId: 0, // bound to buttons array
        cancelId: 1 // bound to buttons array
      (response) => {
        if (response === 0) {
          // bound to buttons array
          console.log("Default button clicked.");
        } else if (response === 1) {
          // bound to buttons array
          console.log("Cancel button clicked.");
    console.log("after message box");

当我关闭 dashboardWindow 时消息框打开,但我无法使 response === 0 工作。 Samehow console.log("after message box"); 即使没有点击按钮也已经运行。我如何使响应起作用(消息框上的返回索引按钮)?

log on window close


关于dialog.showMessageBox请引用最新的API文档:此方法返回一个 Promise 对象,并且不再像以前那样使用回调函数,直到 Electron v5.x.x。

Returns Promise<Object> - resolves with a promise containing the following properties:

  • response Number - The index of the clicked button.
  • checkboxChecked Boolean - The checked state of the checkbox if checkboxLabel was set. Otherwise false.


dashboardWindow.on("close", (event) => {
    console.log("before message box");
        message: "Test",
        buttons: ["Default Button", "Cancel Button"],
        defaultId: 0, // bound to buttons array
        cancelId: 1 // bound to buttons array
      .then(result => {
        if (result.response === 0) {
          // bound to buttons array
          console.log("Default button clicked.");
        } else if (result.response === 1) {
          // bound to buttons array
          console.log("Cancel button clicked.");
    console.log("after message box");

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