javascript - 如何过滤 Mongoose 中的日期事件?

标签 javascript reactjs mongodb mongoose


产品 Controller 方法:

 async show(req, res){
        const { product_id, dt_ini, dt_fin } = req.params;

        let dtIni = new Date(dt_ini);
        let dtFin = new Date(dt_fin);
        dtIni = dtIni.toISOString();
        dtFin = dtFin.toISOString();
        let product = await Product.findOne({ product_id });

            product = await product.populate('event').execPopulate();
            await product.find({"event.timestamp": {'$gte': dtIni,'$lt': dtFin}});
            return res.status(404).json({ error: `Product not found.`});

        return res.json(product);


const mongoose = require('mongoose');

const EventSchema = new mongoose.Schema({
    product_id: String,
    timestamp: Date,
    created_by: String,
    description: String,
    sale_price: Number,
    list_price: Number,
    has_discount: Boolean,
    url: String,
    warehouse: String,
    page_type: String,
        name: String,
        position : Number   

module.exports = mongoose.model('Event', EventSchema);


const mongoose = require('mongoose');

const ProductSchema = new mongoose.Schema({
    product_id: Number,
    product_sku: String,
    product_name: String,
    product_brand: String,
    product_category: String,
    event: [
            type: mongoose.Schema.Types.ObjectId,
            ref: 'Event'

module.exports = mongoose.model('Product', ProductSchema);

在 MongoDB populate() 之后我收到这个错误:

(node:3496) UnhandledPromiseRejectionWarning: TypeError: product.find is not a function




 async show(req, res){
   try {
     const { product_id, dt_ini, dt_fin } = req.params;

     if(!product_id || !dt_ini || !dt_fin) 
       throw "You must supply a product id with start and end dates!";

     const existingProduct = await Product
        .findOne({ product_id })
        .populate("event", null, { timestamp: { $gte: new Date(dt_ini), $lte: new Date(dt_fin) } })

      throw "Unable to locate any product events in that date range.";

     res.status(200).json({ product: existingProduct });
  } catch(e) {
     res.status(404).json({ error: e.toString() });

或者,您可以执行 aggregated查询:

这是一个简化的工作 Playground :

 async show(req, res){
   try {
     const { product_id, dt_ini, dt_fin } = req.params;
     if(!product_id || !dt_ini || !dt_fin) 
       throw "You must supply a product id with start and end dates!";

     const existingProduct = await Product.aggregate([
        // match against the product id
       { $match: { product_id } },
        // lookup (populate) the "event" field with event data as "events"
         $lookup: {
          from: "events",
          localField: "event",
          foreignField: "_id",
          as: "events"
        // spread out the populated "events" field
       { $unwind: "$events"},
        // filter the "events.timestamp" with dates
         $match: {
           "events.timestamp": {
             "$gte": new Date(dt_ini),
             "$lte": new Date(dt_fin)

     if(existingProduct.length === 0) 
      throw "Unable to locate any product events in that date range.";

     res.status(200).json({ product: existingProduct });
  } catch(e) {
     res.status(404).json({ error: e.toString() });

不过,使用 $lookup 时要小心,因为它可能非常昂贵。

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