Javascript 函数在 Firefox 中运行多次,但在 Chrome 中运行一次,为什么?

标签 javascript jquery ruby-on-rails coffeescript

我有一个文件上传字段,我向其中添加了 jQuery 更改。

在 chrome 中效果很好,loadImage 函数将占位符图片替换为要上传的图片的渲染图。在 Firefox 中,以下代码呈现 3 次(控制台中有 3 个“1”,但 onchange 处理程序中只有一个“2”)并且图像在添加后随后被删除。

为什么在 Firefox 中会发生这种情况,我该如何预防?


$('#project_display_pic').change (e) ->
  console.log "2"
  value = $(this).val()
  value = value.replace("C:\\fakepath\\","")
  $('#display_pic_uploader > p').text(value)
    ( (img) -> 
      console.log "1"
      $('#display_pic_preview > img').remove()
    {maxWidth: 212}

Haml 如果有帮助(#project_display_pic 是文件字段的 ID):

      = image_tag( @project.display_pic.medium.url, :class => "default_pic" )
      %p Add display image
      = f.file_field :display_pic


查看the plugin's code ,它似乎会为图像对象的 onloadonerror 事件调用您的渲染回调。也许 Firefox 错误地将图像的缩放计算为加载事件或其他什么?或者错误事件可能无缘无故被触发。


# Builds a function to show the loaded image
# The function stores the last img object it received,
# and doesn't try to show the same one twice in a row
createRenderCallback = ->
  lastImg = null

  (img) ->
    return if img is lastImg # don't handle the same img twice
    # Note that if the image failed to load, `img` will be undefined
    # You may want to check for that before trying to append it
    $('#display_pic_preview > img').remove()
    lastImg = img # remember the img

# Attach the file input's change handler (pretty much the same as before)
$('#project_display_pic').change (e) ->
  value = $(this).val().replace("C:\\fakepath\\","")
  $('#display_pic_uploader > p').text(value)
  loadImage[0], createRenderCallback(), { maxWidth: 212 }


编辑:由于将图像插入 DOM 似乎会触发渲染回调,您可以尝试这样做:

createRenderCallback = ->
  lastImg = null

  (img) ->
    return if img is lastImg
    lastImg = img # <-- Move this line to here, i.e. before inserting the image
    $('#display_pic_preview > img').remove()

或者,您可以简单地删除事件监听器,而不是保留 lastImg

renderCallback = ->
  if img? # this function was called from an onload event
    img.onload = img.onerror = null

  else  # called from an onerror event
    @onload = @onerror = null

  $('#display_pic_preview > img').remove()
  $('#display_pic_preview').append(img) if img?

$('#project_display_pic').change (e) ->
  value = $(this).val().replace("C:\\fakepath\\","")
  $('#display_pic_uploader > p').text(value)
  loadImage[0], renderCallback, { maxWidth: 212 }

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