javascript - 大型数组和 javascript 比较

标签 javascript arrays

所以我有两个非常大的多维数组(4000+)。我从服务器得到第一个数组作为响应,我必须为每个数组元素创建 dom 节点。一旦这个过程完成,我必须发送另一个请求,在那里我将获得另一个元素列表,这将是第一个列表的子集,基于第二个列表我必须修改第一个列表中的一些元素(并将这些更改反射(reflect)在DOM 也是如此)。这个过程需要很长时间才能完成,有什么办法可以不用两个for循环来完成这个过程吗?还是更快的比较?


The real world example would be as follows, consider a group of people in a particular area (arr1). In DOM this would be represented as CheckBox - Name Now consider a group of people who have been administered with a particular vaccine (arr2), Now arr2 has the list of elements for which the checkbox should be checked. The whole list(arr1's dom representation) has to be shown at all costs.


[ ["index", "name", "age"],............. ["4000-index", "4000-name", "4000-age"]]


//First request, get the response (resp) and Create DOM elements accordingly
for(var i=0, iLen=resp.length; i<iLen; i++)
  // Checkbox and <span id='entry-"+resp[i][0]+"'>resp[i][1]</span>
// At a later stage in the code...
//Request server for the second list get the response (resp)
arr2 = resp // Second Array

// Walk through the dom, get the list of span elements and store their ids in an array arr1 
for(var i=0, iLen=arr1.length; i<iLen; i++)
  for(var j=0, jLen= arr2.length; j<jLen; j++)
    if(+arr2[j][0] === +arr1[i][0])
      //checkbox attr = 'checked'



var subset = {
        bcg: true,
        someOtherProp: false,
        //and so on

然后你需要修改你的 DOM 元素 -

for (var id in subset){
    //do whatever needs to be done

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