javascript - 在 Backbone 中批量更新手动模型集

标签 javascript backbone.js


rows: [
 id: 1
 category: 'Meetings & Banquets'
 progress: 0.8
 id: 2
 category: 'Guest Services'
  progress: '50%'
 id: 3
 category: 'Concessionaires'
 progress: '20%'    
 id: 4
 category: 'Telecommunications'
 progress: 100
 id: 5
 category: 'Restaurant'
 progress: '70%'                                                    

我想像这样批量更新其中两个,并让绑定(bind)到 View 的模型自行更新:

rows: [
 id: 1
 category: 'Meetings & Banquets'
 progress: 0.9
 id: 2
 category: 'Guest Services'
  progress: '10%'

当我对集合执行 .add 或 .reset 时,它会阻止我添加/更新具有相同 ID 的模型。我有哪些选项可以批量更新这些模型?


编辑:在主干网 0.9.9 中,您现在可以使用带有选项 {merge: true}add 方法:

add collection.add(models, [options])

If you're adding models to the collection that are already in the collection, they'll be ignored, unless you pass {merge: true}, in which case their attributes will be merged into the corresponding models, firing any appropriate "change" events.


MyCollection = Backbone.Collection.extend({
  model: MyItem,

  update: function(updatedArray) {
    var that = this;
    _.each(updateArray, function(element) {
      if(that.get( {


var collection = new MyCollection(rows); //creates your collection
collection.update(rows2);  //updates specific models.

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