Javascript 变量打印

标签 javascript html

我有 C++ 背景,但对我尝试使用 Javascript 做的事情有一些疑问。我需要制作一个伪类,因为 Javascript 没有它们。我基本上想根据选择的内容打印不同的东西。我在这个例子中只定义了两个“水果”,但我要做的会用到更多。任何帮助将不胜感激。我知道这有一些缺陷,比如 select 没有以任何方式链接到 fruit 函数。

<!DOCTYPE html>
   function select_fruit(name)
      var fruit_name = name;

   function fruit(name, color, amt)
   { = name;
      this.color = color;
      this.amt = amt;

   apple = new fruit("apple", "red", 5);
   orange = new fruit("orange", "orange", 1);

   document.getElementById("name").innerHTML = name;
   document.getElementById("color").innerHTML = color;
   document.getElementById("amt").innerHTML = amt;

   <select name="pick_these" onchange="fruit(this.value)">
      <option value="apple">Apple</option>
      <option value="orange">Orange</option>
   </select><br />

   <p>I want *amt *color *fruit</p><!--This should say I want 5 red apple, if it's selected on the dropdown-->


首先,您缺少 <head>标签。除此之外,你需要移动你的document.getElementById.....行到 select_fruit()功能,并更改onchange事件调用 select_fruit反而。以下是我将如何做您正在尝试的事情:


<select id="fruitlist">
    <option value="apple">Apple</option>
    <option value="orange">Orange</option>
<p id="result"></p>


window.onload = function() { // or just `(function() {` if script is after above HTML
    var fruits = {
    }, result = document.getElementById('result');
    document.getElementById('fruitlist').onchange = function() {
        var selection = this.options[this.selectedIndex].value;
        result.innerHTML = "I want "+fruits[selection].amt+" "
            +fruits[selection].color+" "+selection;
}; // or `})();` if you used `(function() {` at the start

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