javascript - ExtJS 4.2 : Div inside span tag when layout=auto

标签 javascript extjs extjs4.2


<fieldset id="fieldset-1015" class="x-fieldset x-fieldset-with-title x-fieldset-with-header x-fieldset-default" style="border-width:0;">
    <legend id="fieldset-1015-legend" class="x-fieldset-header x-fieldset-header-default">
    <div id="fieldset-1015-body" class="x-fieldset-body ">
        <span id="fieldset-1015-outerCt" style="display: table; width: 100%; table-layout: fixed;">
            <div id="fieldset-1015-innerCt" class="" style="display:table-cell;height:100%;vertical-align:top;">

我知道这是一个很有争议的问题。但我想了解为什么 ExtJS 选择以这种方式进行布局

我在 layout=container 等其他布局中看不到 span 内的 div

在这些问题(以及更多)中讨论了内联元素中的 block 元素 -

can tags have any type of tags inside them?

Is putting a div inside an anchor ever correct?



// All browsers that support display:table use this template.
// An outerCt with display:table shrink-wraps contents, and contains child
// margins. The table-cell innerCt is required in order to support percentage
// heights on child elements. Originally the outerCt started out as a div, but
// was changed to a span to work around an obscure firefox 3.6 bug where
// placing a Container inside of a fieldset's legend element causes the legend
// to blow up if the outerCt is a div.

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