java - 为什么三元运算符给出空指针而它的 ifelse 运算符却没有?

标签 java nullpointerexception ternary-operator


我在下面的一个实例中得到 NullPointerException,而它的对应实例运行平稳。

public static void main(String[] args){
    System.out.println(withTernary(null, null)); //Null Pointer
    System.out.println(withIfElse(null, null));  //No Exception

private static Boolean withTernary(String val, Boolean defVal){
    return val == null ? defVal : "true".equalsIgnoreCase(val);

private static Boolean withIfElse(String val, Boolean defVal){
    if (val == null) return defVal;
    else return "true".equalsIgnoreCase(val);

Online version

Online version with the lines in main reversed ,它从 withIfElse 输出 null,然后在 withTernary 中失败。

我正在使用以下 java 版本

java version "1.6.0_65"
Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.6.0_65-b14-462-11M4609)
Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (build 20.65-b04-462, mixed mode)


这是来自 the spec (§15.25.2) 的相关引述:

Boolean conditional expressions are standalone expressions (§15.2).

The type of a boolean conditional expression is determined as follows:

  • If the second and third operands are both of type Boolean, the conditional expression has type Boolean.

  • Otherwise, the conditional expression has type boolean.

因此,整个表达式的类型被认为是booleanBoolean 值被自动拆箱,导致NullPointerException


return val == null ? null : "true".equalsIgnoreCase(val);

好吧,上面的规范摘录仅适用于 boolean 条件表达式,指定为here (§15.25) :

If both the second and the third operand expressions are boolean expressions, the conditional expression is a boolean conditional expression.

For the purpose of classifying a conditional, the following expressions are boolean expressions:

  • An expression of a standalone form (§15.2) that has type boolean or Boolean.

  • A parenthesized boolean expression (§15.8.5).

  • A class instance creation expression (§15.9) for class Boolean.

  • A method invocation expression (§15.12) for which the chosen most specific method (§ has return type boolean or Boolean.
    (Note that, for a generic method, this is the type before instantiating the method's type arguments.)

  • A boolean conditional expression.

因为 null 不是 boolean 表达式,所以整个条件表达式不是 boolean 条件表达式。引用表 15.2(稍后在同一节中),我们可以看到这样的表达式被认为具有 Boolean 类型,因此不会发生拆箱,也不会引发异常。

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