javascript - 如何在没有 PHP(仅 jQuery/javascript)的情况下按顺序链接到下一页和上一页

标签 javascript jquery html hyperlink next




有没有不用 php 或服务器端数据获取的简单方法?此外,我不想随着时间的推移添加更多页面而不断更新列表,并且我不想在页面中包含任何列表

我总能找到接近的东西,但从来没有我理解的东西,对于不是最精通 javascript 的人来说,是否有真正简化的版本?


如果您真的不会使用服务器端语言(也许如果您希望静态托管它),并且不想手动设置链接的麻烦,我建议您使用静态站点生成器喜欢Jekyll .如果你确定你想要一个 JS 解决方案,这应该可行:

// Get current page url, remove the `.html` extension and split by underscore.
// The current page number will be the last element in the returned array.
var urlFrags = window.location.href.replace(".html", "").split("_"),
    // Get the last element of the `urlFrags` array and parse. This should be the current page number.
    curPage = parseInt(urlFrags[urlFrags.length - 1]),
    // Form the url of the expected next page. (Current page number + 1.)
    nextPage = "example_" + (curPage + 1) + ".html";

// Check if a page on this domain exists.
// Success returns true, error returns false.
function pageExists(url, callback){
        url: url,
        type: "HEAD",
        success: function(){ callback(true); },
        error: function(){ callback(false); }

// Setup links for later.
var backLink, nextLink;

// Check if expected next page exists.
pageExists(nextPage, function(exists){
        // If it does, set nextlink as expected next page.
        nextLink = nextPage;
    } else {
        // Otherwise, loop back to the start.
        nextLink = "example_1.html";

if(curPage > 1){
    // We know the previous page must exist, so long as you're not on the first page.
    backLink = "example_" + (curPage - 1) + ".html";

    // It's not practical to try and loop back to the end if you go back on the first page.
    // You'd have to query pages until you got an error. So just leave it undefined, and ideally remove the button.

// Example button settings, using jQuery. Replace with whatever you're using.
$("#back").prop("href", backLink);
$("#next").prop("href", nextLink);


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