javascript - 使用 Internet Explorer 8 进行媒体查询

标签 javascript html internet-explorer-8 media-queries respond.js

我正在尝试使媒体查询在 IE8 上工作(因为我的公司使用它,我知道很难过。)而且我已经找到了像 respond.js 这样的东西。令人恼火的是,当我使用此链接时:在 IE8 上,它工作得很好......但是!当我下载最新版本的 respond.js 并尝试启动这个完全相同的 test.html 页面时,它不起作用!我没有编辑任何东西,甚至 Scott Jehl 写的测试页也不起作用。在我发疯之前,请提供一些帮助。




在 Bootstrap 的测试文件中代码中有几行说:

<!-- HTML5 shim and Respond.js for IE8 support of HTML5 elements and media queries -->
<!-- WARNING: Respond.js doesn't work if you view the page via file:// -->
<!--[if lt IE 9]>
  <script src=""></script>
  <script src=""></script>

Drupal 页面在这里说:

Due to browser security rules, Respond.js doesn't work with pages viewed via the file:// protocol (like when opening a local HTML file). To test responsive features in IE8, view your pages over HTTP(S). See the Respond.js docs for details.

所以,让我们从一开始就我们应该在的地方...官方文档 :D Respond.js doc


Reportedly, if CSS files are encoded in UTF-8 with Byte-Order-Mark (BOM), they will not work with Respond.js in IE7 or IE8. Noted in issue #97

WARNING: Including @font-face rules inside a media query will cause IE7 and IE8 to hang during load. To work around this, place @font-face rules in the wide open, as a sibling to other media queries.

...因此,如果您对 respond.jsie8 有疑问,请务必快速检查以上所有内容,当然,请阅读官方文档。


Put response.js after all CSS you use in web page. Except you are ready for weird action.

Response.js has an issue with CDN & domain.

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