javascript - Angular : How to get the total for a shopping website

标签 javascript html angularjs twitter-bootstrap

我绝对是 Angular 的新手,通过制作一个简单的购物网页来学习它。 我创建了一个输入,您可以在其中输入每个产品的项目数量,它还会在相同的 <div> 上显示每个项目的成本。 . 例如,一支笔是 1 美元,我选择了 2 支,它会显示这支笔的总成本是 2 美元 <div> ;一支铅笔是 2 美元,我选择了 1 支,它会在铅笔上显示 2 美元 <div> . 但是,我在以 Angular 方式将所有产品的小计放在一起时遇到了麻烦(比如将钢笔和铅笔加到总 div 上)。 所以这是我的 html 代码的一部分(我只展示了一部分,因为它太长了):

<body ng-controller="StoreController as store">
        <h1 class="text-left">Hello Auntie</h1>
    <div class="list-group">
        <div class="list-group-item" ng-repeat="product in store.products">
            <input placeholder="Enter Qty here..."  onfocus="this.type='number';" min="0"ng-model="product.quantity"/>
                <em class="pull-right">
                {{product.price | currency}}
                    <em class="pull-bottom"><p><font size="2">total cost: {{product.quantity * product.price | currency}}</font></p></em>

这是我的 js 文件中的代码:

(function (){
var app = angular.module('helloAuntie', []);
app.controller('StoreController', function(){
    this.products = fashion;
var fashion =[{
    name: 'Dress',
    description: "100% cotton, free size, handmade item",
    quantity: 0,
    total: 0,
    price: 30.99,
    reviews: [{
        stars: 5,
        body: "The most beautiful dress ever!",
        author: ""
        stars: 3,
        body: "The dress is very pretty, but the size is smaller than I expected",
        author: ""
    name: 'Rainbow Short',
    description: "Size: M/S, jeans quality",
    quantity: 0,
    total: 0,
    price: 20,
    images: "image/short.jpg",
    reviews: [{
        stars: 8,
        body: "Best outfit for coachella!",
        author: ""
        stars: 1,
        body: "after I washed it, the color was just fading, I am so disappointed",
        author: ""
        stars: 3,
        body: "the quality is just ok, but hey 20$, what do you expect?",
        author: ""
    name: 'Shirt',
    description: "Size: M/S, free size",
    quantity: 0,
    total: 0,
    price: 15.50,
    images: "image/shirt.jpg",
    reviews: [{
        stars: 1,
        body: "Worst quality ever!",
        author: ""





<input id="some_input_id" placeholder="Enter Qty here..."  onfocus="this.type='number';" min="0"ng-model="product.quantity"/>

您需要跟踪您的输入,以便知道它们的值何时更改。接下来在你的 JS 文件中添加

app.controller('StoreController', function(){
    this.products = fashion;
    this.totals = 0;

    //This function calculates the user's total and stores it in this.totals
    this.updateTotals = function(){
       this.totals = 0;
       for each(var product in this.products){
           this.totals += (product.quantity * product.price);

    //Finally we add an event to be called every time one of the quantities on one of the products is changed
    jQuery('#some_input_id').on('input', function() {


现在您可以在 html 文件的 Controller 区域的某处添加 {{totals}},每次用户更改数量时它都会更新

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