javascript - HTML 日期选择器 View

标签 javascript css html datepicker

如何更改日期选择器的 View ?例如,我可以删除一些元素或自己替换整个选择器吗?使用 type="date"对我来说很重要。是否只有 type="text"才有可能?默认情况下,日期选择器看起来像这样

default view



    <input type="date">

我想得到这个,例如 custom view


您在样式自定义方面非常有限,因为 HTML5 日期输入 UI 是从所用设备的操作系统中提取的,而不是在浏览器中呈现。

来自 this site :

You cannot currently style the appearance of the date picker. In WebKit, we have previously provided ways to style form controls with the -webkit-appearance CSS property or the ::-webkit-foo pseudo class selector. However the calendar popup does not provide such ways in WebKit because it is separate from the document, like a popup menu for , and there is not currently a standard for how to control styling on its sub-elements.

您最好使用自定义日期选择器,例如 jQuery例如。

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