java - 从 Java 实例化一个 Scala 类,并使用构造函数的默认参数

标签 java scala


class Foo(val x:String = "default X", val y:String = "default Y" ) 

我想从 Java 调用它,但使用默认参数

传递 null 不起作用(它分配 null,正如预期的那样)

new Foo(null,null); //both are instantiated as null



class Foo(val x:String = "default X", val y:String = "default Y" ) {
  def this(x:Object) = this()


new Foo(null); //no matter what I pass it should work

但是我想摆脱构造函数重载技巧,并使用 0 参数构造函数




Issue: default no-args constructor should be generated for classes with all-optional arguments

Lukas Rytz: in respect of language uniformity we decided not to fix this one - since it's a problem of interoperability with frameworks, we think it should not be fixed at the language level.

workarounds: repeat a default, or abstract over one, or put one default int the zero-argument constructor

然后 Lukas 提出了与您发现的相同的解决方案:

class C(a: A = aDefault, b: B = C.bDefault) {
  def this() { this(b = C.bDefault) }
object C { def bDefault = ... }

// OR

class C(a: A = aDefault, b: B) {
  def this() { this(b = bDefault) }

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