java - 返回类型中的推断通配符泛型

标签 java generics bounded-wildcard

Java 通常可以根据参数(甚至是返回类型,与 C# 相比)推断泛型。

恰当的例子:我有一个通用类 Pair<T1, T2>它只存储一对值,可以按以下方式使用:

Pair<String, String> pair = Pair.of("Hello", "World");


public static <T1, T2> Pair<T1, T2> of(T1 first, T2 second) {
    return new Pair<T1, T2>(first, second);


Pair<Class<?>, String> pair = Pair.of((Class<?>) List.class, "hello");

(注意使 List.class 成为正确类型的显式转换。)

代码失败并出现以下错误(由 Eclipse 提供):

Type mismatch: cannot convert from TestClass.Pair<Class<capture#1-of ?>,String> to TestClass.Pair<Class<?>,String>


Pair<Class<?>, String> pair =
    new Pair<Class<?>, String>((Class<?>) List.class, "hello");

有人可以解释这种行为吗?是设计使然吗? 想要吗?我是做错了什么还是偶然发现了编译器中的设计缺陷/错误?

疯狂猜测:“捕获#1-of ?”不知何故似乎暗示通配符是由编译器即时填充的,使类型成为 Class<List> ,因此转换失败(从 Pair<Class<?>, String>Pair<Class<List>, String> )。这是正确的吗?有办法解决这个问题吗?

为了完整起见,这里是 Pair 的简化版本类:

public final class Pair<T1, T2> {
    public final T1 first;
    public final T2 second;

    public Pair(T1 first, T2 second) {
        this.first = first;
        this.second = second;

    public static <T1, T2> Pair<T1, T2> of(T1 first, T2 second) {
        return new Pair<T1, T2>(first, second);



Pair<Class<?>, String> pair = Pair.<Class<?>, String>of(List.class, "hello");


这里的问题(如您所建议的)是编译器正在执行 capture conversion .我相信这是 [§ of the JLS] 的结果:

  • The result type of the chosen method is determined as follows:
    • If the method being invoked is declared with a return type of void, then the result is void.
    • Otherwise, if unchecked conversion was necessary for the method to be applicable then the result type is the erasure (§4.6) of the method's declared return type.
    • Otherwise, if the method being invoked is generic, then for 1in, let Fi be the formal type parameters of the method, let Ai be the actual type arguments inferred for the method invocation, and let R be the declared return type of the method being invoked. The result type is obtained by applying capture conversion (§5.1.10) to R[F1 := A1, ..., Fn := An].
    • Otherwise, the result type is obtained by applying capture conversion (§5.1.10) to the type given in the method declaration.


Pair<? extends Class<?>, String> pair = Pair.of(List.class, "hello");

pair 变量将具有更广泛的类型,这确实意味着要输入更多的变量类型名称,但至少您不再需要在方法调用中强制转换。

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