javascript - 如何对具有相似键的数据进行分组?

标签 javascript arrays json

我有来自 CSV 的数据:

Group   Profession  Status          Count
6       Fisherman   Offer Accepted  1
6       Fisherman   All             1
7       Fisherman   Offer Accepted  1
7       Fisherman   All             1
8       Banker      Onboard         2
8       Banker      All             2
8       Cook        Onboard         4
8       Cook        All             4
8       Developer   Onboard         2
8       Developer   All             2
9       Banker      Onboard         2
9       Banker      Offer Accepted  1
9       Banker      All             3

我需要将其作为 JSON 数组返回:

"Fisherman" : {
    6 : {
        "Offer Accepted" : 1,
        "All" : 1
    7 : {
        "Offer Accepted" : 1,
        "All" : 1
"Banker" : {
    8 : {
        "Onboard" : 2,
        "All" : 2
    9 : {
        "Onboard" : 2,
        "Offer Accepted" : 1,
        "All" : 3
}, on


然后我遍历所有数据并比较是否有 Profession AND Group 的匹配项。

for(var d in data) {
    var json = [];
    for(var p in profession) {
        for(var g in group) {
            if(data[d]["Profession"] == profession[p] && data[d]["Group"] == group[g]) {
                json.push({data[d]["Status"] : data[d]["Count"]});
                // put 'json' variable in JSON array with key group? 






{ Group: 6, Profession: 'Fisherman', Status: 'Offer Accepted', Count: 1 }


var order = ['Profession', 'Group', 'Status'],
    object = {};

data.forEach(function (d) {
    order.reduce(function (r, a) {
        r[d[a]] = r[d[a]] || {};
        return r[d[a]];
    }, object).Count = d.Count;

How it works:

d is an object with the structure like above. oder is an array with keys in the wanted order for the result object. (I renamed json to object, because JSON is a string with a special formatting and not an object, like here necessary.)

For an assignment of count, it is necessary to know the path to the property. This is granted with iterating over the order for the keys of the actual object d.

r[d[a]] = r[d[a]] || {};

d[a] 用于检查属性是否存在,如果不存在则分配一个空对象。

在回调结束时,返回对最后一个对象 r[d[a]] 的引用。

最后,一个新的属性 Count 被赋予 d.Count 的值

object                       a          d[a]           return value
---------------------------- ---------- -------------- ------------
{}                           Profession Fisherman      {}
                /--------------------------------------/            (same reference)
{ "Fisherman": {} }          Group      6              {}
                       /-------------------------------/            (same reference)
{ "Fisherman": { "6": {} } } Status     Offer Accepted {}

object after first loop of data

    "Fisherman": {
        "6": {
            "Offer Accepted": {
                "Count": 1


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