javascript - 如何为 Flow 注释此函数

标签 javascript node.js ecmascript-6 flowtype

我在使用 Flow ( ) 的文件中有这个 JS 函数

// @flow
static promiseWrapper(fn, ...args) {
  return new Promise(
    async function(resolve, reject) {
      try {
        await fn(...args);
      } catch (e) {



正如在 github project issue 上讨论的那样,这将是我提出的解决方案:

class Foo {
  // We are using generics <U, T> to define the input type / output type (may be the same... I don't know the use-cases)
  static promiseWrapper<U, T>(fn: (...args: Array<U>) => Promise<T>, ...args: Array<U>): Promise<T> {
    return new Promise(async (resolve, reject) => {
      try {
        // I felt like handling the return value of this await function
        const ret = await fn(...args);
      } catch (e) {

// Most of the type inference comes from this function
function fun(...args: Array<number>): Promise<string> {
  const ret = args.reduce((result, num) => (result + num), 0);
  return Promise.resolve(ret.toString());

const myProm = Foo.promiseWrapper(fun, 1, 2, 3);

// Here, total should be inferred as string, since our `fun` function returns a Promise<string>
// Generic function definition <T> picks this up correctly :-)
myProm.then((total) => {
  // $ExpectError : total should be inferred as string, hence it should fail on numerical addition
  const foo: number = total + 1;


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