javascript - 如何在 Angular 1.5 中使用单向绑定(bind)?除了 watch 还有其他选择吗?

标签 javascript angularjs angular-components angularjs-1.5

Component.HTML 文件:

  <table class="table table-bordered table-responsive">
  <th>Stock Price</th>
  <th>Last Updated Time</th>
<tr ng-repeat="list in model.myLists">

这是 component.js 文件:

(function() {
"use strict";
var module = angular.module("stockdApp");

// Global variables
var stockList = [];

function getStocks (model) {
// api gets stock values every 2 seconds and saves it to stockList variable
stockList = newList;
model.myLists = stockList;
function controller($http) {
 var model = this;
 model.$onInit = function() {     

 model.$onChanges = function (changes) {

module.component("stocks", {
    templateUrl: "./stock.component.html",
    controllerAs: "model",
    controller: ["$http", controller],
    bindings: {
        myLists: "<"

我有一个 api 调用,每 2 秒获取一次新数据,我想在每次获取新数据时更新我的​​表。我正在使用 Angular 1.5,但不确定如何更新表格。



stockList = newList;
model.myLists = stockList;

您正在更改初始数组的引用。 您需要做的是从 myList 中删除项目并添加新项目,同时保留引用。


(function() {
"use strict";
var module = angular.module("stockdApp");

function getStocks ($http, model) {
    // Modify to fit your case...
    $http.get(....).then(function(newList) {
        // Empty the array and add the new items while keeping the same refernece
        model.myLists.length = 0;
        newList.forEach(function(newElment) { model.myLists.push(newElment); });
function controller($http) {
 var model = this;
 model.myLists = [];

 model.$onInit = function() {     
        getStocks($http, model);            

 model.$onChanges = function (changes) {

module.component("stocks", {
    templateUrl: "./stock.component.html",
    controllerAs: "model",
    controller: ["$http", controller],
    bindings: {
        myLists: "<"

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