javascript - Controller 中的窗口调整大小设置变量不起作用

标签 javascript jquery angularjs

在 Angular 中,如果窗口宽度超过某个阈值,我会观察窗口大小并更改 Controller 上的“设备”变量:

 var myModule = angular.module("MyApp", [])
    .controller('MyController', function(UseHttp){

       // store reference of "this"
       var self = this;

       function setDevice(){
          var wWidth = $(window).width();
          var theDevice;

          if (wWidth <= 991 && wWidth > 767) {
            theDevice = "narrow desktop";
          } else if (wWidth <= 767 && wWidth > 620) {
            theDevice = "iPad";
          } else if (wWidth <= 620 && wWidth > 500) {
            theDevice = "largeMobile";
          } else if (wWidth <= 500 && wWidth > 320) {
            theDevice = "mediumMobile";
          } else if (wWidth <= 320) {
            theDevice = "smallMobile";
          } else {
            theDevice = "desktop";

          self.device = theDevice;          

      //self.device gets set on window resize
        $scope.$apply(); //but where do I store the var $scope?

      //self.device gets set right away

}).service('UseHttp', function($http) {....

但出于某种原因,当我更改窗口大小以达到新阈值时, View 上的此 p 标记不会更新(但它会显示初始“设备”)

 <article ng-controller="MyController as myCtrl" class="content-wrapper">


通过在调整大小事件中设置设备,当模型更新时,不会触发摘要循环。您需要使用 $scope.$apply() 手动执行此操作,如下所示:

$(window).resize(function() {

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