javascript - 如果 $count 变量的值为零则隐藏列表元素

标签 javascript php jquery html css

我想隐藏类别元素<li>如果产品$count值为零。 这是我正在处理的页面:

“类别”是类别过滤器。如果类别行的产品为零,则必须将其隐藏(可能是 style="display: none;" )。当选择一些 Store (Loja) 时,许多类别将被列为“Computers (0)”,而这些类别不应显示,因为该商店可能是关于鞋子的。

我试过将它放在 foreach 循环的末尾 if ($count = 0) {document.getElementByTagName("li").style.display = "none"}但不起作用。这是显示过滤器的实际完整功能。 <li>元素是在定义 $count 后的 4 行回显生成的:

List categories on the search sidebar
if( !function_exists( 'list_search_sidebar_cats' ) ){
function list_search_sidebar_cats( $ancestors, $parent, $selected = '', $search_show_count, $permalink ){
global $slugs;
$children = get_terms( 'offer_cat', array( 'parent' => $parent ) );
if( !empty( $children ) ){
    echo '<ul class="list-unstyled">';
    foreach( $children as $child ){
        $li_class = in_array( $child->term_id, $ancestors ) ? 'active' : '';
        if( !empty( $selected ) ){
            $li_class .= $child->slug == $selected->slug ? ' current' : '';

        $count = '';
        if( $search_show_count == 'yes' ){
            $count = custom_term_count( $child, 'offer_cat' );

        if( empty( $ancestors ) || ( !empty( $ancestors ) && in_array( $child->term_id, $ancestors ) ) || ( !empty( $ancestors ) && !empty( $selected ) && $child->parent == $selected->term_id ) ){
            echo '<li style="display:flex;" class="'.esc_attr( $li_class ).'"><a href="javascript:;" data-cat="'.esc_attr( $child->slug ).'">'.$child->name.' <span class="count">('.$count.')</span></a>';
            if( !empty( $li_class ) ){
                list_search_sidebar_cats( $ancestors, $child->term_id, $selected, $search_show_count, $permalink );
                echo '</li>';
                echo '</li>';

    echo '</ul>';



渲染后无需将 javascript 放入该播放中即可对其进行更改。

// please review your conditions here, they don't make too much sense.
//      if this is true    then this is false   (and vice versa)
if( empty( $ancestors ) || ( !empty( $ancestors ) && in_array( $child->term_id, $ancestors ) ) || ( !empty( $ancestors ) && !empty( $selected ) && $child->parent == $selected->term_id ) ){
       // here's the fix:
       $display = $count>0 ? "flex" : "none";
       echo '<li style="display:'.$display.';" class="'.esc_attr( $li_class ).'"><a href="javascript:;" data-cat="'.esc_attr( $child->slug ).'">'.$child->name.' <span class="count">('.$count.')</span></a>';
       if( !empty( $li_class ) ){
            list_search_sidebar_cats( $ancestors, $child->term_id, $selected, $search_show_count, $permalink );
            echo '</li>';
       } else{
            echo '</li>';

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