javascript - HTML:对稍微复杂的表格列进行排序

标签 javascript html html-table

我有一个包含 2 个标题行的 HTML 表格:

<!DOCTYPE html>
        <link rel="stylesheet" href="styles.css">
            <table id="res-table">
                    <th rowspan="2">H1</th>
                    <th rowspan="2" onclick="sortTable(1)">H2</th>
                    <th colspan="2">H3</th>
                    <th colspan="2">H4</th>
                    <th rowspan="2">H5</th>

            function sortTable(n) {
              var table, rows, switching, i, x, y, shouldSwitch, dir, switchcount = 0;
              table = document.getElementById("res-table");
              switching = true;
              //Set the sorting direction to ascending:
              dir = "asc"; 
              /*Make a loop that will continue until
              no switching has been done:*/
              while (switching) {
                //start by saying: no switching is done:
                switching = false;
                rows = table.getElementsByTagName("tr");
                /*Loop through all table rows (except the
                first, which contains table headers):*/
                for (i = 1; i < (rows.length - 1); i++) {
                  //start by saying there should be no switching:
                  shouldSwitch = false;
                  /*Get the two elements you want to compare,
                  one from current row and one from the next:*/
                  x = rows[i].getElementsByTagName("td")[n];
                  y = rows[i + 1].getElementsByTagName("td")[n];
                  /*check if the two rows should switch place,
                  based on the direction, asc or desc:*/
                  if (dir == "asc") {
                    if (x.innerHTML.toLowerCase() > y.innerHTML.toLowerCase()) {
                      //if so, mark as a switch and break the loop:
                      shouldSwitch= true;
                  } else if (dir == "desc") {
                    if (x.innerHTML.toLowerCase() < y.innerHTML.toLowerCase()) {
                      //if so, mark as a switch and break the loop:
                      shouldSwitch= true;
                if (shouldSwitch) {
                  /*If a switch has been marked, make the switch
                  and mark that a switch has been done:*/
                  rows[i].parentNode.insertBefore(rows[i + 1], rows[i]);
                  switching = true;
                  //Each time a switch is done, increase this count by 1:
                  switchcount ++;      
                } else {
                  /*If no switching has been done AND the direction is "asc",
                  set the direction to "desc" and run the while loop again.*/
                  if (switchcount == 0 && dir == "asc") {
                    dir = "desc";
                    switching = true;



该脚本适用于简单的表格,如他们的示例所示。但这对我不起作用。我猜这与 rowspan 属性有关。





i=2 开始循环,(按照注释)因为我们必须跳过第 1 行和第 2 行,它们都是标题。


function sortTable(n) {
  var table, rows, switching, i, x, y, shouldSwitch, dir, switchcount = 0;
  table = document.getElementById("myTable");
  switching = true;
  //Set the sorting direction to ascending:
  dir = "asc"; 
  /*Make a loop that will continue until
  no switching has been done:*/
  while (switching) {
	//start by saying: no switching is done:
	switching = false;
	rows = table.getElementsByTagName("tr");
	/* *********** Loop through all table rows (except the
	first, which contains table headers): *********** */
	<!-- make i=2 -->
	for (i = 2; i < (rows.length - 1); i++) {
	  //start by saying there should be no switching:
	  shouldSwitch = false;
	  /*Get the two elements you want to compare,
	  one from current row and one from the next:*/
	  x = rows[i].getElementsByTagName("TD")[n];
	  y = rows[i + 1].getElementsByTagName("TD")[n];
	  /*check if the two rows should switch place,
	  based on the direction, asc or desc:*/
	  if (dir == "asc") {
		if (x.innerHTML.toLowerCase() > y.innerHTML.toLowerCase()) {
		  //if so, mark as a switch and break the loop:
		  shouldSwitch= true;
	  } else if (dir == "desc") {
		if (x.innerHTML.toLowerCase() < y.innerHTML.toLowerCase()) {
		  //if so, mark as a switch and break the loop:
		  shouldSwitch= true;
	if (shouldSwitch) {
	  /*If a switch has been marked, make the switch
	  and mark that a switch has been done:*/
	  rows[i].parentNode.insertBefore(rows[i + 1], rows[i]);
	  switching = true;
	  //Each time a switch is done, increase this count by 1:
	  switchcount ++;      
	} else {
	  /*If no switching has been done AND the direction is "asc",
	  set the direction to "desc" and run the while loop again.*/
	  if (switchcount == 0 && dir == "asc") {
		dir = "desc";
		switching = true;
<!DOCTYPE html>
		<table border="1px" id="myTable">
				<th rowspan="2" onclick="sortTable(0)">H1</th>
				<th rowspan="2" onclick="sortTable(1)">H2</th>
				<th colspan="2">H3</th>
				<th colspan="2">H4</th>
				<th rowspan="2" onclick="sortTable(6)">H5</th>
				<th onclick="sortTable(2)">A1</th>
				<th onclick="sortTable(3)">A2</th>
				<th onclick="sortTable(4)">A3</th>
				<th onclick="sortTable(5)">A4</th>
				 <th onclick="sortTable(0)">H2</th>

关于javascript - HTML:对稍微复杂的表格列进行排序,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:


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