javascript - Photoshop Javascript : How to Change the brush Mode with javascript?

标签 javascript photoshop photoshop-script

真的是 photoshop 脚本的初学者。


我现在真正想知道的是如何使用 javascript 更改“图层混合模式”而不是“画笔模式”(如正常、乘法、清除等...)。我似乎找不到一些资源来控制画笔模式。



这是可能的,这是我拼凑的一个片段,它通过创建一个 Action 并执行它来工作。 (通常不能通过常规操作来更改画笔模式,但在 CC 2017 中确实可以这样做)

var bmsS = ["normal", "dissolve", "behind", "clearEnum",
            "darken", "multiply", "colorBurn", "linearBurn", "darkerColor",
            "lighten", "screen", "colorDodge", "linearDodge", "lighterColor",
            "overlay", "softLight", "hardLight", "vividLight", "linearLight", "pinLight", "hardMix",
            "difference", "exclusion", "blendSubtraction", "blendDivide",
            "hue", "saturation", "color", "luminosity",  ]; 

// Select the paint brush tool
var idslct = stringIDToTypeID( "select" );
var desc226 = new ActionDescriptor();
var idnull = stringIDToTypeID( "null" );
var ref170 = new ActionReference();
var idPbTl = stringIDToTypeID( "paintbrushTool" );
ref170.putClass( idPbTl );
desc226.putReference( idnull, ref170 );
executeAction( idslct, desc226, DialogModes.NO );

// blend mode
var desc = new ActionDescriptor();
var idset = stringIDToTypeID( "set" );
desc.putEnumerated(stringIDToTypeID("mode"), stringIDToTypeID("blendModel"), stringIDToTypeID("clearEnum"));
desc226.putObject( stringIDToTypeID( "to" ), stringIDToTypeID( "null" ), desc);
executeAction( idset, desc226, DialogModes.NO );

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