javascript - 搜索对象并 .push 到新位置

标签 javascript jquery



  • cat - 将所有包含 cat 的句子推送到 keywordsFound.cats
  • dog - 将所有包含 dog 的句子推送到 keywordsFound.dogs
  • hamst - 将所有包含 hamster 的句子推送到 keywordsFound.hamsters

var data = "I have an oriental cat. I have both a dog and a cat. I always takes care of my American shorthair cat. I have a Birman cat. My parents bought me two Golden Retriever dogs. My dog is a German Shepherd. I always wanted a hamster. I don't have a pet."

var userInput = {
  all: [
    "I have an oriental cat.",
    "I have both a dog and a cat.", //Should only push the first one - dog
    "I always take care of my American shorthair cat.",
    "I have a Birman cat.",
    "My parents bought me two Golden Retriever dogs.",
    "My dog is a German Shepherd.",
    "I always wanted a hamster.",
    "I don't have a pet."
  keywordsFound: {
    cats: [/*Push all sentences with cat here*/],
    dogs: [/*Push all sentences with dog here*/],
    hamsters: [/*Push all sentences with hamster here*/]
  noKeywordsFound: [],

function search(term) {
  if (userInput.all.indexOf(term) !== -1) {
    if (term == 'cat') {
    if (term == 'dog') {
    if (term == 'hamster') {

  else {
    //Push to noKeywordsFound as an array

//Which ever comes first gets pushed
search('dog') //Contains
search('hamster') //Contains


好的,所以您使用 indexOf 是在正确的轨道上但是你在错误的地方使用了它(userInput.all.indexOf(term)) :)

所以你应该在 search() 函数中做的是:

1) 遍历 userInput.all 的每个元素 - 您可以执行常规的 for 循环或使用 Array.prototype.reduce()得到所有匹配的句子。

2) 现在在循环中使用 indexOf在每个元素上检查它是否包含搜索词

3) 如果找到术语,则插入所需的集合


var userInput = {
  all: [
    "I have an oriental cat.",
    "I have both a dog and a cat.", //Should only push the first one - dog
    "I always take care of my American shorthair cat.",
    "I have a Birman cat.",
    "My parents bought me two Golden Retriever dogs.",
    "My dog is a German Shepherd.",
    "I always wanted a hamster.",
    "I don't have a pet."
  keywordsFound: {
    cats: [],
    dogs: [],
    hamsters: []
  noKeywordsFound: [],

function search(term) {
  // Here you can do a basic for loop, but I'm using reduce function
  var foundItems = null;
  foundItems = userInput.all.reduce(function(found, current){
    return found;
  }, []);
    case 'cat':{
      userInput.keywordsFound.cats = foundItems;
    case 'dog':{
      userInput.keywordsFound.dogs = foundItems;
    case 'hamster':{
      userInput.keywordsFound.hamsters = foundItems;


console.log('sentence with cats')
console.log('sentence with dogs')
console.log('sentence with hamsters')

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