带有 html 选择列表的 Javascript 数组

标签 javascript


我有一个从 0 到 4 的选择列表,当选择一个数字时,它将输出数组中的名称。而不是在选择数字 1 并获得输出“Adam”时,我只为每个数字得到“Ron”。

friends = new Array('Alex', 'Adam', 'Jake', 'Cydney', 'Ron');

document.getElementById('go').onclick = function() {

  var nameSelected = document.getElementById('index').value;

  oneArrayValue = friends[0];

  oneArrayValue = friends[1];

  oneArrayValue = friends[2];

  oneArrayValue = friends[3];

  oneArrayValue = friends[4];

  document.getElementById('result').value = nameSelected;

  <select id='number' name=''>
            <option value = '0'>0</option>
            <option value = '1'>1</option>
            <option value = '2'>2</option>
            <option value = '3'>3</option>
            <option value = '4'>4</option>
            <option value = '5'>5</option>
  <button id='go' class=''>GO</button>
  <input id='result' name='' value='' class=''>
  <script src='js/javascript 07.js'></script>


friends = new Array('Alex','Adam','Jake','Cydney','Ron');
    you can even declare using the following:  
    friends = ['Alex','Adam','Jake','Cydney','Ron']; // <- this

document.getElementById('go').onclick = function () {
    var nameSelected = document.getElementById('number').value;

    // getting the name from the index selected
    oneArrayValue = friends[nameSelected];
    document.getElementById('result').value = oneArrayValue;
    <select id = 'number' name = ''>

        <option value = '0'>0</option>
        <option value = '1'>1</option>
        <option value = '2'>2</option>
        <option value = '3'>3</option>
        <option value = '4'>4</option>
        <option value = '5'>5</option>
    <button id = 'go' class = ''>GO</button>
    <input id = 'result' name = '' value = '' class = ''>

关于带有 html 选择列表的 Javascript 数组,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/46855580/


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