java - 如何将度、分、秒转换为十进制坐标

标签 java geolocation geospatial geotools

正在寻找 Java 实用程序。如果你能告诉我如何使用 geotools 库来做就更好了。



Given a DMS (Degrees, Minutes, Seconds) coordinate such as W87°43′41″, it's trivial to convert it to a number of decimal degrees using the following method: Calculate the total number of seconds, 43′41″ = (43*60 + 41) = 2621 seconds. The fractional part is total number of seconds divided by 3600. 2621 / 3600 = ~0.728056 Add fractional degrees to whole degrees to produce the final result: 87 + 0.728056 = 87.728056

Since it is a West longitude coordinate, negate the result. The final result is -87.728056.

来自 Wikipedia .这是一个 Javascript widget做同样的事情。

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