javascript - 在 javascript 中处理嵌套 promise 树的最快方法?

标签 javascript promise

我正在尝试找出最快的方法来处理嵌套的作业树,这些作业在 javascript 中返回 promise 。我有以下条件:

  1. 该流程应该返回一个只有在所有嵌套作业都完成后才会解决的 promise 。
  2. 同一层级的每个job需要依次处理,但是children可以并行处理。
  3. 我不能使用 await/async。

我模拟了一个示例,该示例对一堆数字求和并调用公共(public) Web 服务来模拟实际工作(不幸的是,我无法编写代码,因为公共(public) Web 服务无法通过 https 使用):

    function sumNumbers(numbersToSum) {
        return numbersToSum.reduce((p, current) => {
            return p.then(runningTotal => {
                return fetch(`${current.number}/`)
                    .then(result => {
                        var parentTotal = runningTotal + current.number;
                        if (current.children && current.children.length > 0) {
                            return sumNumbers(current.children)
                                .then(childrenTotal => {
                                    return childrenTotal + parentTotal;
                        else {
                            return parentTotal;
        }, Promise.resolve(0));

    var numbers = [
            number: 2,
            children: [
                { number: 1 },
                    number: 3,
                    children: [
                        { number: 2 },
                            number: 1,
                            children: [
                                { number: 1 },
                                { number: 2 }
                { number: 2 }
        { number: 4 },
        { number: 5 },
            number: 3,
            children: [
                    number: 1,
                    children: [
                        { number: 1 }
                { number: 2 }

    (() => {
        var startTime = new Date();
            .then(total => {
                var finishTime = new Date();
                console.log(`${total} (took ${((finishTime - startTime) / 1000)}s)`);


30 (took 2.839s)




Would it be faster to resolve the parent straight away after kicking off the child job, then summing the result later?


Or being more explicit, the first fetch from the first level is executing at the same time as the first fetches from the second, third and fourth. That's 4 requests executing in parallel rather than in serial (as in the example code in the op) which would surely save significant time when scaled out to a bigger example.

是的,那会更快,但不会显着 - 至多是一个常数因素。您仍然必须按顺序处理树的所有叶子。

虽然这方面的代码很简单 - 您只需将 fetch(node).then(processChildren) 替换为并发版本:

return Promise.all([
    current.children && current.children.length > 0
      ? sumNumbers(current.children)
      : 0
}).then(([result, childrenTotal]) => {
//        ^^^^^^
    var parentTotal = runningTotal + current.number;
    return childrenTotal + parentTotal;


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