javascript - JavaScript 示例中 Function Monoids 的二元运算符是什么

标签 javascript functional-programming monoids

this article函数幺半群是通过 C# 代码和 Haskell 类型定义引入的。

A function a -> b is a monoid if b is a monoid. This means that you can combine two functions with the same type. In an object-oriented context, it means that you can combine two methods with the same signature into one method as long as the return type forms a monoid.


While the above C# code is only an example, the general rule is that any function that returns a monoid is itself a monoid. In Haskell, this rule is articulated in the standard library:

instance Monoid b => Monoid (a -> b)

This means that for any monoid b, a function a -> b is also (automatically) a monoid.

问题是 C# 中的示例对“GUID”过于具体,我不知道作者试图在代码中做什么,Haskell 类型定义仅仅是类型定义。

用 JavaScript 实现此函数幺半群的示例代码是什么?

比较) Why is instance Monoid b => Monoid (a -> b) in base?


Monoid Laws

identity law:
combine (identity, a) == combine (a, identity)

associativity law:
combine (a, combine (b, c)) == combine (combine (a, b), c)

我们可以为函数实现一个身份元素 (identity) 和二元运算 (combine) -

// identity element
const identity =
  x => x

// binary operation
const combine = (a, b) =>
  x => a (b (x))
// sample functions
const a =
  x => x + 3
const b =
  x => x - 1

const c =
  x => x * x

// uphold laws
  ( combine (identity, a) (2) === combine (a, identity) (2)
  , combine (a, combine (b, c)) (2) === combine (combine (a, b), c) (2)
// => true
// => true

二元运算和标识元素因您的域而异。请参阅 Wikipedia 上的表格更深入地了解如何为各种集合实现标识元素和二元运算。


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