javascript - 将多个条件语句压缩到样式组件中的一个开关中?

标签 javascript css reactjs styled-components

我想将许多预先存在的按钮 CSS 定义压缩到一个样式组件中。通过使用条件扩展我的定义,我找到了积极的结果,但是我已经到了定义变得相当大的地步,我想知道是否有一种方法可以用某种 switch 来压缩我的定义。将 CSS 抽象为返回的内容的语句?

用例: 我有一个自定义 <Button>需要几个 Prop 的组件 themetype ,所以我的按钮的一个例子是:

<Button theme="primary" category="my-cat">Click me</Button>

themecategory每个将采用 2 个不同的变量,所以到目前为止没有什么疯狂的想法......


export const Button = styled.a`
    background: lightgrey;
    // ... More standard stuff

    ${props => (props.theme === 'one' || props.theme === 'two') && `
        // ... more CSS

    ${props => (props.theme === 'one' && props.category === 'cat1') && `
        // ... more CSS

    ${props => (props.theme === 'one' && props.category === 'cat2') && `
        // ... more CSS

是否可以做一些事情,以便我可以将我的 props 传递给一个函数,并根据这些 props 和条件操作返回附加的 CSS?像这样的东西:

function styleMyEl(props) {
    switch(props) {
        case (props.theme === 'one' || props.theme === 'two'):
            // return my additional css
        case ...

export const Button = styled.a`
    background: lightgrey;
    // ... More standard stuff

    ${props => styleMyEl(props)}


您可以尝试返回 css block :

import React from 'react';
import ReactDOM from 'react-dom';
import styled, { css } from 'styled-components';

function styleMyEl(theme) {
  switch (theme) {
    case 'one':
      return css`
        background: black;
        color: pink;
      return css`
        background: pink;
        color: black;

export const Button = styled.a`
  ${props => styleMyEl(props.theme)}

const App = () => {
  return (
        <Button theme="one">Button</Button>

ReactDOM.render(<App />, document.getElementById('root'));

enter image description here

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With Styled Components alone, you'll often do something like this:

const Button = styled.button`
 color: ${props =>
   props.primary && '#0c0' ||
   props.warning && '#c00' || && '#0cc' ||
 border: 2px solid ${props =>
   props.primary && '#0c0' ||
   props.warning && '#c00' || && '#0cc' ||
 font-size: ${props =>
   props.small && '8px' ||
   props.medium && '18px' ||
   props.large && '32px' ||

<Button primary large>Submit</Button>

Here's the same component using styled-map:

import styledMap from 'styled-map';

const buttonColor = styledMap`
  primary: #0c0;
  warning: #c00;
  info: #0cc;
  default: #ccc;

const Button = styled.button`
  color: ${buttonColor};
  border: 2px solid ${buttonColor};
  font-size: ${styledMap`
    large: 32px;
    small: 8px;
    medium: 18px;
    default: 16px;

<Button primary large>Submit</Button>

你应该寻找相关的styled-components utilities或者自己实现一个,更多例子是styled-is , styled-by

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