java - 为什么 Java 8 Optional 实现为 final,没有 Some 和 None 层次结构?

标签 java java-8 option-type

在 Java 中,Optional实现为 public final class Optional<T> { ... }而不是作为 Some 的密封层次结构和 None .

为什么这里不是这种情况?这是缺少 sealed 的解决方法吗?在 java ?是否有更深层次的原因?


public<U> Optional<U> map(Function<? super T, ? extends U> mapper) {
    if (!isPresent())
        return empty();
    else {
        return Optional.ofNullable(mapper.apply(value));

它们不仅丑陋,而且如果你有更长的方法链,isPresent将需要在每次调用期间进行评估,即使 Optional从一开始就是空的。


  .map(i -> i) // isPresent()
  .map(Object::toString) // isPresent()
  .map(String::length) // isPresent()
  .map(...) // isPresent()



我没有特别问为什么 Optional是最终的,而不是为什么它没有用 Some 实现和 None ,与许多其他语言一样,所以 Why is optional declared as a final class并不是很有帮助。



class Optional 上的 final 修饰符是为更大的功能做准备:value typesProject Valhalla 的目标(Java 10+ 的功能)。

您可以在下面链接的 2014 年文章中阅读有关 Java 值类型的所有内容:

Value Types for Java

JEP 169起草了在 Java 中实现值对象的提案。

Provide JVM infrastructure for working with immutable and reference-free objects, in support of efficient by-value computation with non-primitive types.

JEP 390暗示“将某些类迁移为原始类”的可能性:

The design and implementation of primitive classes is sufficiently mature that we can confidently anticipate migrating certain classes of the Java Platform to become primitive classes in a future release.


在 2014 年的论文中,提到了基于值的类如何充当值类型的盒装版本:

In fact, it seems likely that the boxed form of every value type will be a value-based class.

可选value-based class .

为什么我们需要 Java 中的值类型?

在 Java 中,从引用类型实例化的对象有一个 identity .这允许特定对象被变量引用通过引用进行比较。当前所有类/枚举/接口(interface)都创建引用类型。因此,所有对象都有一个身份

但是,理论上,并非所有对象都需要身份,正如上面链接的 2014 年论文中明确提到的:

Object identity serves only to support mutability, where an object’s state can be mutated but remains the same intrinsic object.



Object identity has footprint and performance costs, which is a major reason Java, unlike other many object oriented languages, has primitives.


James Gosling 写了一个 article back in 1999关于将不可变类型编译为值:

It is almost possible, under the current language spec, for a sufficiently clever optimizing compiler to transform certain classes into lightweight objects that are not heap allocated and are passed by value rather than reference: declare the class and all its instance variables to be final.

这个想法被 Oracle 的实验性项目 Valhalla 继承,由 Brian Goetz 领导.在准备中,specification for value-based classes已创建,其中一个要求是该类是 final

2014 年关于 Java 值类型的论文进一步揭示了执行最终要求的决定:

Can values participate in inheritance-based subtyping? No.

Can a value class be abstract or non-final? No.

The decision to limit or prohibit subclassing and subtyping of value types is necessary to avoid pointer polymorphism.

We can therefore ensure that all methods are resolved unambiguously in the exact type of the method receiver. Invoking a value method is always like invokestatic or invokespecial and never like invokevirtual or invokeinterface.


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