java - JSF 2 事件列表?

标签 java jakarta-ee jsf-2


<f:event type="preRenderView" listener="#{situationHelper.load}"/>

我想知道在哪里可以找到除 preRenderView 之外的其他页面(或 View )事件的列表?

特别是,我正在寻找一个在绑定(bind)过程之前触发的事件,(preRenderView 在组件绑定(bind)之后运行)



来自tag library document JSF 2.1

Name of the event for which to install a listener. The following table lists the valid values for this attribute, and the corresponding event type for which the listener action is registered.

value for "type" tag attribute        Type of event sent to listener method
preRenderComponent                    javax.faces.event.PreRenderComponentEvent
preRenderView                         javax.faces.event.PreRenderViewEvent 
postAddToView                         javax.faces.event.PostAddToViewEvent 
preValidate                           javax.faces.event.PreValidateEvent 
postValidate                          javax.faces.event.PostValidateEvent

In addition to these values, the fully qualified class name of any java class that extends javax.faces.event.ComponentSystemEvent may be used as the value of the "type" attribute.

因此,除了上面列出的值之外,您还可以使用javax.faces.event.ComponentSystemEvent 的直接已知子类的完全限定类名作为type 标签属性 ,可在 Java docs 中找到.

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