javascript - 如何在 HTML5 音频中播放特定的开始和结束持续时间?

标签 javascript html audio

我得到的音频持续时间是 5 分钟 = 5:00,但是听完整个音频太长了,所以我得到了一个标签,从示例 2:00 分钟到 3:00 分钟,所以我想要做的是在 HTML5 音频中播放标签,这意味着从 2:00 分钟播放到 3:00 分钟。

Here is what I found how to play the start duration

$('#audio').bind('canplay', function() {
  this.currentTime = 29; // jumps to 29th secs



 <audio id="audio" controls="controls" class="span4">
  <source src="file/test.mp3" type="audio/ogg">
  <source src="file/test.mp3" type="audio/mpeg">
  <source src="file/test.mp3" type="audio/wav">
  Your browser does not support the audio element. Please try other browser


enter image description here


$('.start_tag').click(function() {
    var sec =  $(this).attr('data-id');
    var file =  $(this).attr('data-file');

function show_tag(sec,file)
        type: "POST",
        url: config.base_url + 'index.php/qm/show_tag',
        data : {
            sec : sec,
            file : file,
        success : function(data) {
        error : function(XMLHttpRequest, textStatus, errorThrown) {
            alert(XMLHttpRequest + " : " + textStatus + " : " + errorThrown);


Ajax 发布的数据

  function show_tag()
        $sec = $this->input->post('sec');
        $record_filename = $this->input->post('file');
        $table = '<h4 style="margin-left:31px;">Tagged File</h4>';
        $table .= '<audio id="audio" controls="controls" class="span4 video1">';
        $table .= '<source src="'.base_url().'file/'.$record_filename.'" type="audio/ogg">';
        $table .= '<source src="'.base_url().'file/'.$record_filename.'" type="audio/wav">';
        $table .= '<source src="'.base_url().'file/'.$record_filename.'" type="audio/mpeg">';
        $table .= 'Your browser does not support the audio element. Please try other browser';
        $table .= '</audio>';
        $table .= '<script>';
        $table .= "$('#audio').bind('canplay', function() {";
        $table .= 'this.currentTime = '.$sec.';';
        $table .= '}); </script>';

/*      $table .= '<script>';
        $table .= "$('#audio').bind('timeupdate', function() {";
        $table .= ' if (this.currentTime >= '.$sec.') this.pause();';
        $table .= '}); </script>';

        echo $table;



您可以收听 timeupdate 事件并在视频到达 currentTime 3 分钟后暂停视频。

$('#audio').bind('timeupdate', function () {
    if (this.currentTime >= 180) this.pause();

这是您可以在媒体元素上监听的事件列表: MDN

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