python - 如何在 Tensorflow 中计算 R^2

标签 python tensorflow regression

我正在尝试在 Tensorflow 中进行回归。我不确定我是否正确计算了 R^2,因为 Tensorflow 给我的答案与 sklearn.metrics.r2_score 不同 有人可以看看我下面的代码,让我知道我是否实现了图中的方程式正确。谢谢

The formula I am attempting to create in TF

total_error = tf.square(tf.sub(y, tf.reduce_mean(y)))
unexplained_error = tf.square(tf.sub(y, prediction))
R_squared = tf.reduce_mean(tf.sub(tf.div(unexplained_error, total_error), 1.0))
R = tf.mul(tf.sign(R_squared),tf.sqrt(tf.abs(R_squared)))



R^2_{\text{wrong}} = \operatorname{mean}_i \left( \frac{(y_i-\hat y_i)^2}{(y_i-\mu)^2} - 1\right)1


unexplained_error = tf.reduce_sum(tf.square(tf.sub(y, prediction)))
total_error = tf.reduce_sum(tf.square(tf.sub(y, tf.reduce_mean(y))))
R_squared = tf.sub(1, tf.div(unexplained_error, total_error))

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