javascript - 我可以缓存由 jQuery.getScript() 加载的内容吗

标签 javascript jquery ajax file loading

根据 jQuery 文档 ( 使用更灵活的 $.ajax() 方法,但它不适用于此处描述的我 (jQuery cannot load plugin file using ajax before calling the plugin function, thus, gives kind of weird result)

By default, $.getScript() sets the cache setting to false. This appends a timestamped query parameter to the request URL to ensure that the browser downloads the script each time it is requested. You can override this feature by setting the cache property globally using $.ajaxSetup():

  cache: true


Alternatively, you could define a new method that uses the more flexible $.ajax() method.




    url: "foo.js",
    cache: true

jQuery 1.12.0 或更高版本支持

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