javascript - Rails - 为输入字段设置自定义验证消息(前端)

标签 javascript html ruby-on-rails




<%= f.text_field :id_number, pattern: "[0-9]*", required: true, oninvalid: "this.setCustomValidity('Only numbers allowed')", oninput: "setCustomValidity('')" %>

上面的方法在处理无效模式时效果很好,但如果字段为空,它也会显示相同的消息'Only numbers allowed'


请大家帮忙 谢谢..


我正在添加我的答案——如何使用精彩的jquery.validate library用于客户端验证。

我正在使用版本 1.13.1


  1. 下载库并将其放在 app/assets/javascripts/jqueryValidation/dist 文件夹中,其中包括 additional-methods.min.js jquery.validate.min.js.

  2. 将库添加到您的 Assets 管道,以便它在全局范围内可用。

    //= require jqueryValidation/dist/jquery.validate
    //= require jqueryValidation/dist/additional-methods
  3. 开始在您的 _form.html.erb 中的表单上使用该库。

    <%= form_for(@new,:html=>{:id=>"newForm") do |f |%>
        //input fields with text/number/textarea etc
  4. 初始化脚本并验证表单输入字段。

            //use this to ignore autocomplete fields present,if any
            ignore: "", 
            //set rules for input elements using name attribute
            rules: {
            "new_form[address]": "required",
            "new_form[tag]": "required",
            "new_form[title]": {
                      required: true,
                      minlength: 3,
                      maxlength: 100
            "new_form[contact_email]": {
                      required: true,
                      email: true,
                      minlength: 5,
                      maxlength: 100                  
             "new_form_photos[avatar][]": {
                      required: true,
                      extension: "jpeg|jpg|png|gif"
               //use this to show custom dedicated placeholder message everytime validation fails...just like dynamic alert
              errorPlacement: function(error, element) {
                     $("#show_error").html("<span class='text-danger' >Fields marked with * are required</span>");
                 //use this callback to get which field is currently failing validation and then add more custom logic if needed
                 //for eg: you want to update the color of name label if validation fails.
                 //validator.errorList contains an array of objects, where each object has properties "element" and "message".  element is the actual HTML Input.
                 invalidHandler: function(e,validator) {
                     //use the key value pair to get => id=new_form_title, to identify your input field
                     for (var i=0;i<validator.errorList.length;i++){
                       if ( validator.errorList[0].element.attributes['id'].value == "new_form_tag"){
                       //handle tag input field here by adding css/alert/focus etc
          });//validation ends

同样,我们有submitHandler: function(form) {},onkeyup: function (element, event) {)

希望对您有所帮助。 :)

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