javascript - AngularJs $mddialog 如何在每次单击时重新加载 templateurl 中的内容?

标签 javascript angularjs

每次我点击执行$scope.showAdvanced 的按钮时,mddialog 的内容保持不变,即使我更改了post.html 的内容。我什至尝试清除缓存 (shift+f5),但内容仍然是旧的。

var CardAng=angular.module('CardAng',['ngMaterial','ngMessages']);

    CardAng.controller('AppCtrl', function($scope,$mdDialog){


        $scope.showAdvanced = function(ev) {
              controller: DialogController,
              templateUrl: '/post.html',
              parent: angular.element(document.body),
              targetEvent: ev,
              fullscreen: $scope.customFullscreen // Only for -xs, -sm breakpoints.
            .then(function(answer) {
              $scope.status = 'You said the information was "' + answer + '".';
            }, function() {
              $scope.status = 'You cancelled the dialog.';

     function DialogController($scope, $mdDialog) {

        $scope.hide = function() {

        $scope.cancel = function() {

        $scope.answer = function(answer) {



AngularJS 有自己的$templateCache。 尝试清除它。


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