javascript - Node.js 使用 officegen 创建和下载 word 文档

标签 javascript node.js ms-word

我想使用 officegen npm 模块创建一个 word (docx) 文件并下载它。过去我使用 tempfile 模块创建一个临时路径用于下载目的。这是我为 word 文档下载编写的代码:

var tempfile = require('tempfile');
var officegen = require('officegen');
var docx = officegen('docx');'/docx', function(req, res){
    var tempFilePath = tempfile('.docx');
    docx.setDocSubject ( 'testDoc Subject' );
    docx.setDocKeywords ( 'keywords' );
    docx.setDescription ( 'test description' );

    var pObj = docx.createP({align: 'center'});
    pObj.addText('Policy Data', {bold: true, underline: true});

    docx.on('finalize', function(written) {
        console.log('Finish to create Word file.\nTotal bytes created: ' + written + '\n');
    docx.on('error', function(err) {

    docx.generate(tempFilePath).then(function() {
        res.sendFile(tempFilePath, function(err){
            if(err) {
                console.log('---------- error downloading file: ' + err);


TypeError: dest.on is not a function

创建的总字节数也显示为 0。我做错了什么?

最佳答案'/docx', function(req, res){
    var tempFilePath = tempfile('.docx');
    docx.setDocSubject ( 'testDoc Subject' );
    docx.setDocKeywords ( 'keywords' );
    docx.setDescription ( 'test description' );

    var pObj = docx.createP({align: 'center'});
    pObj.addText('Policy Data', {bold: true, underline: true});

    docx.on('finalize', function(written) {
        console.log('Finish to create Word file.\nTotal bytes created: ' + written + '\n');
    docx.on('error', function(err) {

   res.writeHead ( 200, {
    "Content-Type": "application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.documentml.document",
    'Content-disposition': 'attachment; filename=testdoc.docx'

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