javascript - 如何在 Firefox WebExtensions 中获取 openerTabId?

标签 javascript firefox-addon-webextensions

我开发了一个 Chrome 扩展程序,并尝试使用 Firefox WebExtensions 将其移植到 Firefox。

这是我面临的问题。在我的扩展中,我需要使用 chrome.tabs.Tab.openerTabId ,Firefox WebExtensions 不支持(请参阅 documentation )。


chrome.tabs.query({ active: true, currentWindow: true }, function(tabs) {
    // tabs has only one element, which is the one I just opened


现在我想在单击“新建选项卡”按钮之前查询事件选项卡,但我在 chrome.tabs.query() 中没有看到任何参数喜欢 lastFocusedTab .

这可以由 chrome.tabs.query() 完成吗?或者还有其他方法可以做到这一点吗?

可能的重复:tab.openerTabId undefined in Firefox WebExtension 。不幸的是,这个问题还没有解决:-(。


从 Firefox 57 开始在桌面版 Firefox 中受支持

截至Firefox 57 ,桌面版Firefox支持 tabs.Tab.openerTabId .

Android 版 Firefox 不支持

Android 版 Firefox does not support tabs.Tab.openerTabId

如果您希望您的扩展程序与 Android 版 Firefox 兼容,您必须自己跟踪此信息。您可以跟踪用户通过单击链接打开的选项卡的打开选项卡 ID。当 JavaScript 创建新选项卡时,您可以猜测它是由事件选项卡中的 JavaScript 完成的,但您无法知道。您可以通过组合跟踪当前事件的选项卡、监听要创建的新选项卡以及监听创建新选项卡的原因是因为用户单击了链接来实现此目的。这可以通过听来完成:

  • tabs.onActivated 跟踪当前事件的选项卡
    这是在 tabs.onCreated 之前触发的,因此您需要保留先前事件选项卡的记录。这对于立即激活新打开的选项卡的情况是必需的。显然,您还需要考虑新选项卡未立即激活的情况。
  • tabs.onCreated 确定何时创建新选项卡。
  • webNavigation.onCommitted 看看 transitionType 可以看到新选项卡实际上是从 link 创建的,而不是当用户从书签等打开新选项卡时恰好成为事件选项卡。

作为引用,这些是用户单击链接 ( <a href="" target="_blank"> ) 时触发的事件:

Content event: mousedown  on: <a href="" target="_blank">  contentMessageUI.js:16:9
Content event: mouseup    on: <a href="" target="_blank">  contentMessageUI.js:16:9
Content event: click      on: <a href="" target="_blank">  contentMessageUI.js:16:9
tabs.onActivated                  ->  arg[0]= Object { tabId: 8, windowId: 0 }
tabs.onHighlighted                ->  arg[0]= Object { tabIds: Array[1], windowId: 0 }
tabs.onUpdated                    ->  arg[0]= 8 :: arg[1]= Object { status: "complete" } :: arg[2]= Object { id: 8, index: 2, windowId: 0, selected: true, highlighted: true, active: true, pinned: false, status: "complete", incognito: false, width: 1100, 5 more… }
tabs.onUpdated                    ->  arg[0]= 8 :: arg[1]= Object { status: undefined } :: arg[2]= Object { id: 8, index: 2, windowId: 0, selected: true, highlighted: true, active: true, pinned: false, status: "complete", incognito: false, width: 1100, 5 more… }
tabs.onZoomChange                 ->  arg[0]= Object { tabId: 8, oldZoomFactor: undefined, newZoomFactor: 1, zoomSettings: Object }
tabs.onUpdated                    ->  arg[0]= 8 :: arg[1]= Object { status: "complete", url: "about:blank" } :: arg[2]= Object { id: 8, index: 2, windowId: 0, selected: true, highlighted: true, active: true, pinned: false, status: "complete", incognito: false, width: 1100, 5 more… }
tabs.onUpdated                    ->  arg[0]= 8 :: arg[1]= Object { status: undefined } :: arg[2]= Object { id: 8, index: 2, windowId: 0, selected: true, highlighted: true, active: true, pinned: false, status: "complete", incognito: false, width: 1100, 5 more… }
tabs.onUpdated                    ->  arg[0]= 8 :: arg[1]= Object { status: "loading" } :: arg[2]= Object { id: 8, index: 2, windowId: 0, selected: true, highlighted: true, active: true, pinned: false, status: "loading", incognito: false, width: 1100, 5 more… }
tabs.onCreated                    ->  arg[0]= Object { id: 8, index: 2, windowId: 0, selected: true, highlighted: true, active: true, pinned: false, status: "loading", incognito: false, width: 1100, 5 more… }
webNavigation.onBeforeNavigate    ->  arg[0]= Object { url: "about:blank", timeStamp: 1487869034364, frameId: 0, parentFrameId: -1, tabId: 8 }
webNavigation.onErrorOccurred     ->  arg[0]= Object { url: "about:blank", timeStamp: 1487869034368, frameId: 0, parentFrameId: -1, error: "Error code 2152398850", tabId: 8 }
webNavigation.onCommitted         ->  arg[0]= Object { url: "about:blank", timeStamp: 1487869034377, frameId: 0, parentFrameId: -1, tabId: 8, transitionType: "link", transitionQualifiers: Array[0] }
webNavigation.onBeforeNavigate    ->  arg[0]= Object { url: "", timeStamp: 1487869034380, frameId: 0, parentFrameId: -1, tabId: 8 }
webRequest.onBeforeRequest        ->  arg[0]= Object { requestId: "150", url: "", originUrl: "", method: "GET", type: "main_frame", timeStamp: 1487869034382, frameId: 0, parentFrameId: -1, tabId: 8 }
webRequest.onBeforeSendHeaders    ->  arg[0]= Object { requestId: "150", url: "", originUrl: "", method: "GET", type: "main_frame", timeStamp: 1487869034384, frameId: 0, parentFrameId: -1, tabId: 8, requestHeaders: Array[6] }
webRequest.onSendHeaders          ->  arg[0]= Object { requestId: "150", url: "", originUrl: "", method: "GET", type: "main_frame", timeStamp: 1487869034387, frameId: 0, parentFrameId: -1, tabId: 8, requestHeaders: Array[6] }
webRequest.onHeadersReceived      ->  arg[0]= Object { requestId: "150", url: "", originUrl: "", method: "GET", type: "main_frame", timeStamp: 1487869034416, frameId: 0, parentFrameId: -1, tabId: 8, responseHeaders: Array[11], 2 more… }
webRequest.onResponseStarted      ->  arg[0]= Object { requestId: "150", url: "", originUrl: "", method: "GET", type: "main_frame", timeStamp: 1487869034420, frameId: 0, parentFrameId: -1, tabId: 8, responseHeaders: Array[11], 2 more… }
webRequest.onCompleted            ->  arg[0]= Object { requestId: "150", url: "", originUrl: "", method: "GET", type: "main_frame", timeStamp: 1487869034429, frameId: 0, parentFrameId: -1, tabId: 8, responseHeaders: Array[11], 2 more… }
tabs.onUpdated                    ->  arg[0]= 8 :: arg[1]= Object { status: "loading", url: "" } :: arg[2]= Object { id: 8, index: 2, windowId: 0, selected: true, highlighted: true, active: true, pinned: false, status: "loading", incognito: false, width: 1100, 5 more… }
webNavigation.onCommitted         ->  arg[0]= Object { url: "", timeStamp: 1487869034538, frameId: 0, parentFrameId: -1, tabId: 8, transitionType: "link", transitionQualifiers: Array[0] }
tabs.onUpdated                    ->  arg[0]= 8 :: arg[1]= Object { status: "complete" } :: arg[2]= Object { id: 8, index: 2, windowId: 0, selected: true, highlighted: true, active: true, pinned: false, status: "complete", incognito: false, width: 1100, 5 more… }
webNavigation.onDOMContentLoaded  ->  arg[0]= Object { url: "", timeStamp: 1487869034710, frameId: 0, parentFrameId: -1, tabId: 8 }
webNavigation.onCompleted         ->  arg[0]= Object { url: "", timeStamp: 1487869034715, frameId: 0, parentFrameId: -1, tabId: 8 }

看来 transitionType也将是link当通过 JavaScript 打开选项卡时(假设用户已允许)。以下是''); 打开新选项卡时的事件(在允许来自该域的弹出窗口后,通过在内容页面的 DevTools 控制台中执行该操作进行模拟):

tabs.onActivated                  ->  arg[0]= Object { tabId: 11, windowId: 0 }
tabs.onHighlighted                ->  arg[0]= Object { tabIds: Array[1], windowId: 0 }
tabs.onUpdated                    ->  arg[0]= 11 :: arg[1]= Object { status: "complete" } :: arg[2]= Object { id: 11, index: 2, windowId: 0, selected: true, highlighted: true, active: true, pinned: false, status: "complete", incognito: false, width: 1100, 5 more… }
tabs.onUpdated                    ->  arg[0]= 11 :: arg[1]= Object { status: undefined } :: arg[2]= Object { id: 11, index: 2, windowId: 0, selected: true, highlighted: true, active: true, pinned: false, status: "complete", incognito: false, width: 1100, 5 more… }
tabs.onZoomChange                 ->  arg[0]= Object { tabId: 11, oldZoomFactor: undefined, newZoomFactor: 1, zoomSettings: Object }
tabs.onUpdated                    ->  arg[0]= 11 :: arg[1]= Object { status: "complete", url: "about:blank" } :: arg[2]= Object { id: 11, index: 2, windowId: 0, selected: true, highlighted: true, active: true, pinned: false, status: "complete", incognito: false, width: 1100, 5 more… }
tabs.onUpdated                    ->  arg[0]= 11 :: arg[1]= Object { status: undefined } :: arg[2]= Object { id: 11, index: 2, windowId: 0, selected: true, highlighted: true, active: true, pinned: false, status: "complete", incognito: false, width: 1100, 5 more… }
tabs.onUpdated                    ->  arg[0]= 11 :: arg[1]= Object { status: "loading" } :: arg[2]= Object { id: 11, index: 2, windowId: 0, selected: true, highlighted: true, active: true, pinned: false, status: "loading", incognito: false, width: 1100, 5 more… }
tabs.onCreated                    ->  arg[0]= Object { id: 11, index: 2, windowId: 0, selected: true, highlighted: true, active: true, pinned: false, status: "loading", incognito: false, width: 1100, 5 more… }
webNavigation.onBeforeNavigate    ->  arg[0]= Object { url: "about:blank", timeStamp: 1487871931270, frameId: 0, parentFrameId: -1, tabId: 11 }
webNavigation.onErrorOccurred     ->  arg[0]= Object { url: "about:blank", timeStamp: 1487871931274, frameId: 0, parentFrameId: -1, error: "Error code 2152398850", tabId: 11 }
webNavigation.onCommitted         ->  arg[0]= Object { url: "about:blank", timeStamp: 1487871931289, frameId: 0, parentFrameId: -1, tabId: 11, transitionType: "link", transitionQualifiers: Array[0] }
webNavigation.onBeforeNavigate    ->  arg[0]= Object { url: "", timeStamp: 1487871931292, frameId: 0, parentFrameId: -1, tabId: 11 }
webRequest.onBeforeRequest        ->  arg[0]= Object { requestId: "159", url: "", originUrl: "", method: "GET", type: "main_frame", timeStamp: 1487871931294, frameId: 0, parentFrameId: -1, tabId: 11 }
webRequest.onBeforeSendHeaders    ->  arg[0]= Object { requestId: "159", url: "", originUrl: "", method: "GET", type: "main_frame", timeStamp: 1487871931297, frameId: 0, parentFrameId: -1, tabId: 11, requestHeaders: Array[6] }
webRequest.onSendHeaders          ->  arg[0]= Object { requestId: "159", url: "", originUrl: "", method: "GET", type: "main_frame", timeStamp: 1487871931299, frameId: 0, parentFrameId: -1, tabId: 11, requestHeaders: Array[6] }
webRequest.onHeadersReceived      ->  arg[0]= Object { requestId: "159", url: "", originUrl: "", method: "GET", type: "main_frame", timeStamp: 1487871931312, frameId: 0, parentFrameId: -1, tabId: 11, responseHeaders: Array[11], 2 more… }
webRequest.onResponseStarted      ->  arg[0]= Object { requestId: "159", url: "", originUrl: "", method: "GET", type: "main_frame", timeStamp: 1487871931317, frameId: 0, parentFrameId: -1, tabId: 11, responseHeaders: Array[11], 2 more… }
webRequest.onCompleted            ->  arg[0]= Object { requestId: "159", url: "", originUrl: "", method: "GET", type: "main_frame", timeStamp: 1487871931329, frameId: 0, parentFrameId: -1, tabId: 11, responseHeaders: Array[11], 2 more… }
tabs.onUpdated                    ->  arg[0]= 11 :: arg[1]= Object { status: "loading", url: "" } :: arg[2]= Object { id: 11, index: 2, windowId: 0, selected: true, highlighted: true, active: true, pinned: false, status: "loading", incognito: false, width: 1100, 5 more… }
history.onVisited                 ->  arg[0]= Object { id: "fGv8w_MX50EI", url: "", title: "", lastVisitTime: 1487871931320, visitCount: 4, typedCount: 1 }
webNavigation.onCommitted         ->  arg[0]= Object { url: "", timeStamp: 1487871931480, frameId: 0, parentFrameId: -1, tabId: 11, transitionType: "link", transitionQualifiers: Array[0] }
tabs.onUpdated                    ->  arg[0]= 11 :: arg[1]= Object { status: "complete" } :: arg[2]= Object { id: 11, index: 2, windowId: 0, selected: true, highlighted: true, active: true, pinned: false, status: "complete", incognito: false, width: 1100, 5 more… }
webNavigation.onDOMContentLoaded  ->  arg[0]= Object { url: "", timeStamp: 1487871931652, frameId: 0, parentFrameId: -1, tabId: 11 }
webNavigation.onCompleted         ->  arg[0]= Object { url: "", timeStamp: 1487871931657, frameId: 0, parentFrameId: -1, tabId: 11 }

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