python - 使用 python sdist 包含空目录

标签 python installation

我有一个 Python 包,我想在其中包含一个空目录作为源代码分发的一部分。我尝试添加

include empty_directory 文件,但是当我运行时

python sdist



根据 the docs :

  • include pat1 pat2 - include all files matching any of the listed patterns
  • exclude pat1 pat2 - exclude all files matching any of the listed patterns
  • recursive-include dir pat1 pat2 - include all files under dir matching any of the listed patterns
  • recursive-exclude dir pat1 pat2 - exclude all files under dir matching any of the listed patterns
  • global-include pat1 pat2 - include all files anywhere in the source tree matching — & any of the listed patterns
  • global-exclude pat1 pat2 - exclude all files anywhere in the source tree matching — & any of the listed patterns
  • prune dir - exclude all files under dir
  • graft dir - include all files under dir

看来你想要graft,而不是include。 另外,您似乎不能包含空目录。您必须在目录中创建一个“empty.txt”文件或类似的文件以强制包含它。

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