javascript - 如何根据边的数组对象内的数据选择边?

标签 javascript json cytoscape.js cytoscape-web

我正在尝试根据传入的字符串选择边。这是一个示例 json:

"group": "edges",
"data": {
  "id": "8",
  "source": "Q14814",
  "target": "P20393",
  "direction": "|->",
  "Sources": {
    "dataSource": "database",
    "dbId": "0",
    "sourceId": "1368140",
    "sourceType": "REACTION"

每条边可能有一个源,或一个源数组。我想选择所有具有我传入的字符串的 sourceId 的边。因此,如果我传入一个字符串“1368140”,我想获取所有包含 sourceId 为“1368140”的源的边。


cy.filter('edge[reactomeId = "' + string + '"]'));

cy.elements('edge[reactomeId = "' + string + '"]'));

cy.filter('reactomeId = ' + string + ''));




// The syntax is important here!
cy.edges('[source = "' + string + '"]');

可以找到此特定语法的来源 here .


var cy = ( = cytoscape({
  container: document.getElementById("cy"),

  boxSelectionEnabled: false,
  autounselectify: true,

  style: [{
      selector: "node",
      css: {
        content: "data(id)",
        "text-valign": "center",
        "text-halign": "center",
        height: "60px",
        width: "100px",
        shape: "rectangle",
        "background-color": "data(faveColor)"
      selector: "edge",
      css: {
        "curve-style": "bezier",
        "control-point-step-size": 40,
        "target-arrow-shape": "triangle"

  elements: {
    nodes: [{
        data: {
          id: "Top",
          faveColor: "#2763c4"
        data: {
          id: "yes",
          faveColor: "#37a32d"
        data: {
          id: "no",
          faveColor: "#2763c4"
        data: {
          id: "Third",
          faveColor: "#2763c4"
        data: {
          id: "Fourth",
          faveColor: "#56a9f7"
    edges: [{
        data: {
          source: "Top",
          target: "yes"
        data: {
          source: "Top",
          target: "no"
        data: {
          source: "no",
          target: "Third"
        data: {
          source: "Third",
          target: "Fourth"
        data: {
          source: "Fourth",
          target: "Third"
  layout: {
    name: "dagre"

cy.bind('click', 'node', function(event) {
  console.log(cy.edges('[source = "' + + '"]'));
body {
  font: 14px helvetica neue, helvetica, arial, sans-serif;

#cy {
  height: 85%;
  width: 100%;
  float: right;
  position: absolute;

  <meta charset=utf-8 />
  <meta name="viewport" content="user-scalable=no, initial-scale=1.0, minimum-scale=1.0, maximum-scale=1.0, minimal-ui">
  <script src="">
  <!-- cyposcape dagre -->
  <script src=""></script>
  <script src=""></script>

  <div id="cy"></div>


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