javascript - 如何在继续代码之前捕获错误?

标签 javascript node.js discord.js

我有一个命令可以向公会中的每个用户发送一条消息。当然,用户可能会关闭 DM。我想通过使用 .catch 来计算这些用户(并向 channel 发送一条消息,其中包含禁用它的用户数量)。

我的问题是,.catch block 在命令的其余部分之后 执行自身(向 channel 发送消息的部分) 在 .catch block 中,我将 1 添加到一个变量,每次它都会给我错误。 在 channel 消息中,我发送了变量。显然,该变量将为 0,因为它会在运行 .catch block 之前发送消息。

如何在.catch block 后发送消息以及关闭它的用户数量?


var text = args.join(' ')
message.guild.members.forEach(member => {
     member.send(text).catch(() => {
          console.log("Can't send DM to this user!")
console.log(faultyusers);"Successfully sent message to all members in the server. (Warning: **" + faultyusers + "** users might have not received the message because of their settings.)")

(当我运行此程序时,faultyusers 始终为 0。)


每个 member.send() 都是异步的。所以为此你需要创建一个 Promise对于每个 member.send() 调用。之后,你运行所有的 promise ,当它们全部解决时,你会得到一组结果,你可以从中计算没有收到消息的用户数量

// this function returns promise that will
// resolve with { success: true } or { success: false }
// depending on whether or not the user received the message (member.send() failed)
const sendMessageAndGetResult = (text, member) =>
      .then(() => ({ success: true }))
      .catch(() => ({ success: false }))

const sendMessages = async (text) => {
  // create one such promise for each user in guild
  const promises = => sendMessageAndGetResult(text, member))
  // wait until all promises are resolved
  // allResults will be an looking like this [{ success: true }, { success: false }, ...]
  const allResults = await Promise.all(promises)
  // count users that did not receive message
  const faultyUsersCount = allResults.filter(result => !result.success).length
  console.log(faultyUsersCount)"Successfully sent message to all members in the server. (Warning: **" + faultyUsersCount + "** users might have not received the message because of their settings.)")

// usage

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