javascript - 在 jquery 警报内容中循环

标签 javascript jquery

是否可以在 jquery alert 的内容中添加一个循环?我想在我的表格中显示它。

  success: function (result) {
   var resultData = JSON.parse(;
         if (resultData.length > 0) {
      title: 'You Have Memo Notification',
      content: '<table class="table table-sm table-condensed table-hovered table-bordered mt-2">' +
             '<thead class="table-primary"><tr><td>Memo</td></thead>' +
             '<tbody>'    +                          
             '<tr><td> ' + resultData[i].MemoToFileRemarks + '  </td></tr>' +                             

//我想在我的 jquery alert 内容中添加这个

for (i = 0; i < resultData.length; i++) {




success: function (result) {
    var resultData = JSON.parse(,
        resultContent = '';

    // If you have results, then issue an alert
    if (resultData.length > 0) {
        // Build your results
        for (i = 0; i < resultData.length; i++) {
            resultContent += '<tr><td>' + resultData[i].MemoToFileRemarks + '</td></tr>'; 

        // Issue your alert
            title: 'You Have Memo Notification',
              '<table class="table table-sm table-condensed table-hovered table-bordered mt-2">' +
                '<thead class="table-primary"><tr><td>Memo</td></thead>' +
                '<tbody>' +                          
                    resultContent +                        
                '</tbody>' +

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