javascript - 为什么 JScript 运行时错误 : Object expected

标签 javascript jquery

我正在尝试使用 jquery 或 jscript 来点击一个隐藏的按钮,但我总是得到 “Microsoft JScript 运行时错误:预期对象”错误。


$('#btnCompleteHidden').trigger('click');With plain JavaScript:
$('#<%=btnCompleteHidden.ClientID %>').click();Or:
document.getElementById('<%=btnCompleteHidden.ClientID %>').click();


我将在此处发布 aspx 页面:

    <script type="text/javascript">
        function FileDownloader_DownloadStep(Step){
        //The file list is going to be downloaded - "2 = About to Start" 
        if (Step == 2){
            //Dynamically build the filelist for the downloader
        //The user has confirmed the download - "6 = File Download About to Start"
        if (Step == 6){
            //Perform the initialization updates to the first file only
            var xmlhttp; 
            if (typeof XMLHttpRequest != 'undefined') { 
                xmlhttp = new XMLHttpRequest(); 
            if (!xmlhttp) { 
                throw "Browser doesn't support XMLHttpRequest."; 
            var data = ""; 
  "POST", "UpdateVideoInitiated.aspx", true); 
            //Send the proper header information along with the request 
            xmlhttp.setRequestHeader("Content-type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"); 
             //xmlhttp.setRequestHeader("Content-length", data.length); 
            xmlhttp.setRequestHeader("Connection", "close"); 
        function onDownloadItemComplete(Result, ErrorPage, Url, FileName, ContentType, FileSize){
            var xmlhttp;
            var data;

            //The handler will display the error description or updates as noted
            switch (Result){
                        //Update the completed file as complete and then perform initialization updates to the next file only
                case 1: if (typeof XMLHttpRequest != 'undefined') { 
                            xmlhttp = new XMLHttpRequest(); 
                        if (!xmlhttp) { 
                            throw "Browser doesn't support XMLHttpRequest."; 
                        data = FileName; 
              "POST", "UpdateVideoDownloaded.aspx?FileName=" + FileName + "&FileSize=" + FileSize, true); 
                        //Send the proper header information along with the request 
                        xmlhttp.setRequestHeader("Content-type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"); 
                         //xmlhttp.setRequestHeader("Content-length", data.length); 
                        xmlhttp.setRequestHeader("Connection", "close"); 
                case 2: alert("An error has occurred while downloading the file " + FileName);
                        //Update any skipped files to back off the initialization updates to the passed file only
                case 3: if (typeof XMLHttpRequest != 'undefined') { 
                            xmlhttp = new XMLHttpRequest(); 
                        if (!xmlhttp) { 
                            throw "Browser doesn't support XMLHttpRequest."; 
                        data = FileName; 
              "POST", "UpdateVideoSkipped.aspx?FileName=" + FileName, true); 
                        //Send the proper header information along with the request 
                        xmlhttp.setRequestHeader("Content-type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"); 
                         //xmlhttp.setRequestHeader("Content-length", data.length); 
                        xmlhttp.setRequestHeader("Connection", "close"); 
                case 4: alert("The server returned a wrong MIME type (should be " + ContentType + ") for the file " + FileName);
                case 5: alert("The server returned a wrong size (should be " + FileSize + ") for the file " + FileName);
                case 6: alert("An error has occurred while writing the file " + FileName + " to disk");
                case 7: alert("The file " + FileName + " could not be found on the " + "server");
                case 8: alert("Access to the file " + FileName + " denied");
                case 9: alert("Time out while downloading the file " + FileName);
        function onDownloadComplete(Result){
            //The handler will display the error description
            switch (Result){
                        //Update the member download statistics and rebind the grid 
                case 0: $('#btnCompleteHidden').click();
                case 1: alert("An error has occurred while creating the file list");
                case 2: alert("An error has occurred while downloading the file list");
                case 3: alert("The file list is empty");
                case 7: alert("The file list could not be found on the server");
                case 8: alert("Access to the file list denied");
                case 9: alert("Time out while downloading the file list");

<div class="borderDiv">
     <table cellspacing="0" class="borderTable0" width="100%">
            <td class="Subhdr" >
                <asp:label id="lblScreenHeader" Cssclass="ScreenHdr" runat="server" Height="24px">Member Video Download Detail</asp:label>
    <div class="NinetyNine5PercentWide SolidThreePixelBorder" style="background-color:White">
        <div class="OneHundredPercentWide EightPixelTopMargin TenPixelBottomMargin">
            <div class="FileListHdr">
                <span>Current Escrow Balance (Available for Future Use):</span>
                <asp:label ID="lblAvailableBalance" Cssclass="FileListHdr" runat="server" >$280.00</asp:label>
                <asp:label ID="lblAvailableBalanceMessage" Cssclass="FileListHdr" runat="server" ></asp:label>
        <div class="NinetyNinePercentWide">
            <div class="FileListHdr EightPixelBottomMargin">
                <span class="FileListHdr" >Number of Files Selected for Download:</span>
                <asp:label ID="lblTotalFiles" Cssclass="FileListHdr" runat="server" ></asp:label>
                <span class="FileListHdr" >Total MBytes:</span>
                <asp:label ID="lblTotalMBytes" Cssclass="FileListHdr" runat="server" ></asp:label>
                <span class="FileListHdr" >Estmated Download Time:</span>
                <asp:label ID="lblEstimatedTime" Cssclass="FileListHdr" runat="server" ></asp:label>
                <asp:Button id="btnCompleteHidden" runat="server" Text="CH" Style="visibility: hidden"
                    Enabled="true" OnClick="btnCompleteHidden_OnClick"></asp:Button>
        <div class="NinetyNinePercentWide">
            <div class="OneHundredPercentWide">
                <div class="DivDownload" >
                    <script type="text/javascript">
                        //Create JavaScript object that will embed File Downloader to the page
                        var fd = new FileDownloaderWriter("FileDownloader", 170, 28);

                        //For ActiveX control full path to CAB file (including file name) should be specified
                        fd.activeXControlCodeBase = "aurigma/";
                        fd.activeXControlVersion = "2,0,16,0";

                        //Set the Download button text
                        fd.addParam("ButtonDownloadText", "DOWNLOAD NOW");

                        //Set the Download button background color
                        //fd.addParam("BackgroundColor", "#E0EBFF");
                        fd.addParam("BackgroundColor", "White");

                        //Set the Download button regular image
                        fd.addParam("ButtonDownloadImageFormat", "width=170;height=28;BackgroundColor=White;" + 
                            "urlNormal=App_Themes/Default/images/BtnDownload.jpg;" +
                            "urlHover=App_Themes/Default/images/BtnHover.jpg;" +
                            "urlPressed=App_Themes/Default/images/BtnPressed.jpg;" +

                        //Set license key 
                        fd.addParam("LicenseKey", "73020-10000-D8066-8CFDB-84249");

                        //Set reconnect attampts count
                        fd.addParam("ReconnectAttemptsCount", "360");

                        //Set reconnect timeout value (30000 = 10 seconds)
                        fd.addParam("ReconnectTimeOut", "10000");

                        //The following listener will perform some actions when the file list is about to be downloaded
                        fd.addEventListener("DownloadStep", "FileDownloader_DownloadStep");

                        //The following listener will perform some actions when download of a single file is finished
                        fd.addEventListener("DownloadItemComplete", "onDownloadItemComplete");

                        //The following listener will perform some actions when download process is complete
                        fd.addEventListener("DownloadComplete", "onDownloadComplete");

                        //The following listener will perform some actions when a general error is detected
                        //fd.addEventListener("Error", "onError");

                        //Add page load listener
                        //fd.fullPageLoadListenerName = "fullPageLoad";

                        //Set instructions property
                        fd.instructionsEnabled = true;

                        //Tell File Downloader writer object to generate all necessary HTML code to embed File Downloader into the page
                 <div class="FileListHdr">
                    <asp:RadioButtonList id="rblMemberMachine" runat="server" Font-Bold="True" BackColor="White" ToolTip="Please select machine for downloading" 
                            CssClass="Radio FileListHdr" RepeatDirection="Horizontal" textAlign="right" BorderStyle="None"
                            AutoPostBack="True" OnSelectedIndexChanged="rblMemberMachine_SelectedIndexChanged" >
                            <asp:ListItem Text="Machine 1" Value="1" Selected="True"></asp:ListItem>
                            <asp:ListItem Text="Machine 2" Value="2"></asp:ListItem>
                            <asp:ListItem Text="Machine 3" Value="3"></asp:ListItem>
    <div class="OneHundredPercentWide" >
        <asp:Panel ID="Panel1" runat="server" Width="100%" >
            <asp:GridView id="grvSessionOrderDownloads" runat="server" BorderWidth="2px" BorderStyle="Solid" BorderColor="#C0C0FF"
                Font-Names="Arial" Font-Bold="True" Font-Size="8pt" GridLines="Horizontal" AutoGenerateColumns="False" 
                HorizontalAlign="Left" ForeColor="Blue" CellPadding="2" AllowSorting="True" Width="100%"
                OnRowDataBound="grvSessionOrderDownloads_OnRowDataBound" >

                <HeaderStyle Font-Names="Arial" HorizontalAlign="Center" ForeColor="White" BackColor="#152EE5" 
                    CssClass="sessionOrderDownloadHeaders" Font-Size="Medium" />
                <RowStyle BackColor="White" ForeColor="#333333" />
                <AlternatingRowStyle BackColor="#A5B0FF" />

                    <asp:BoundField Visible="False" DataField="SORD_ID" HeaderStyle-Width="0px" >
                        <HeaderStyle Width="0px" />
                    <asp:TemplateField HeaderStyle-Width="0px" >
                            <asp:CheckBox Visible="False" Enabled="false" ID="HiddenCheckBox" runat="server"
                                 Checked='<%# Eval("SORD_SelectedForDownloadFlag") %>' />
                        <HeaderStyle Width="0px" />
                    <asp:TemplateField HeaderText="Select Files" HeaderStyle-ForeColor="White" > 
                        <ItemTemplate >
                            <asp:ImageButton id="btnSelectVideo" runat="server" CommandArgument='<%# Eval("SORD_ID") %>' 
                                 CommandName="CheckUncheckVideo" ImageUrl='<%# GetCheckboxImage(Container.DataItem) %>' 
                                 Enabled='<%# Eval("SORD_EnableSelectionCheckBox") %>'
                                 Visible='<%# Eval("SORD_EnableSelectionCheckBox") %>'/>
                        <HeaderStyle Width="4%" />
                        <ItemStyle VerticalAlign="Bottom" />
                    <asp:BoundField DataField="SORD_OSTA_ID" ReadOnly="True" HeaderStyle-ForeColor="White"
                        <HeaderStyle Width="6%" />
                        <ItemStyle CssClass="sessionOrderDownloadItems" />
                    <asp:BoundField DataField="SORD_Topic" ReadOnly="True" HeaderStyle-ForeColor="White"
                        HeaderText="General <br /> Topic" HtmlEncode="false" >
                        <HeaderStyle Width="15%" />
                        <ItemStyle CssClass="sessionOrderDownloadItems" />
                    <asp:BoundField DataField="SORD_Session" ReadOnly="True" HeaderStyle-ForeColor="White"
                        HeaderText="Session <br /> YYMMDD" HtmlEncode="false" DataFormatString="{0:00-00-00}" >
                        <HeaderStyle Width="6%" />
                        <ItemStyle CssClass="sessionOrderDownloadItems" />
                    <asp:BoundField DataField="SORD_FileExtension" ReadOnly="True" HeaderStyle-ForeColor="White"
                        HeaderText="File <br /> Type" HtmlEncode="false" >
                        <HeaderStyle Width="5%" />
                        <ItemStyle CssClass="sessionOrderDownloadItems" />
                    <asp:BoundField DataField="SORD_SessionTitle" ReadOnly="True" HeaderStyle-ForeColor="White"
                        HeaderText="Presentation's Video-Title <br /> &nbsp;&nbsp; (or) Support-File Name" HtmlEncode="false" >
                        <HeaderStyle Width="29%" />
                        <ItemStyle CssClass="sessionOrderDownloadItems" />
                    <asp:BoundField DataField="SORD_VideoUnlockKey" ReadOnly="True" HeaderStyle-ForeColor="White" 
                        HeaderText="File Unlock <br /> Password" HtmlEncode="false" >
                        <HeaderStyle Width="15%" />
                        <ItemStyle CssClass="sessionOrderDownloadItems" />
                    <asp:BoundField DataField="SORD_LastDownloadDate"  
                        ReadOnly="True" HeaderStyle-ForeColor="White" HeaderText="Last <br /> Download" htmlEncode="False"
                        DataFormatString="{0:d}" >
                        <HeaderStyle Width="10%" />
                        <ItemStyle CssClass="sessionOrderDownloadItems" />
                    <asp:BoundField DataField="SORD_RemainingDownloads"  
                        ReadOnly="True" HeaderStyle-ForeColor="White" HeaderText="Remaining <br /> Downloads" htmlEncode="False" DataFormatString="{0:##0}" >
                        <HeaderStyle Width="10%" />
                        <ItemStyle CssClass="sessionOrderDownloadItems" />

<br />
<asp:Label ID="Errormsg" runat="server" ForeColor="#CC0000"></asp:Label>



  1. 您是否将 jQuery 脚本文件包含到此页面中?这或许可以解释有关“$”变量的错误消息的问题。

  2. 使用 click() 而不是 onclick() 来触发点击事件。 onclick 是在单击元素时触发的处理程序,但不用于启动事件本身。

  3. 由于 ASP.NET 命名空间及其确保客户端上唯一元素 ID 的目标,元素的 ID 可能不是您在页面中定义的内容。解决这一切的一个简单方法是在呈现的页面上查看源代码并找到您的按钮及其“真实”ID。

  4. 如本文评论所述,页面必须通过 <script> 引用 jQuery 脚本。 jQuery 函数工作的标记。

编辑:添加第 4 点。

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