javascript - 如何通过javascript更新html中的数字?

标签 javascript jquery html css


<form class="vote-form" action="">
  <div id="{{key}}" class="vote-count">{{votes}}</div>
  <input class="vote-button" type="submit" class="text-button" value="vote+"/>
  <input type="hidden" class="brag" name="brag" value="{{key}}">
  <input type="hidden" class="voter" name="voter" value="{{current_user.fb_id}}">

<script type="text/javascript">
  $(function() {  
    $(".vote-form").submit(function() { 
      var inputs = $(this).find('input:hidden');
      var key = $('input.brag', this).val();
        type: "POST",  
        url: "/bean",  
        data: inputs,  
        success: function() {  
          //not sure how to do this, I want to increment {{votes}}
          $('#' + key).innerHTML = "foo"; 
      return false;


var $div = $('#' + key),
    intValue = parseInt($div.html(), 10);


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