javascript - 在按键事件中,如何将 ',' 更改为 '~'

标签 javascript jquery coldfusion-9

我必须防止将 Coldfusion 的默认列表分隔符“,”输入到表单输入数组中。我刚开始使用 javascript 进行验证,并且从未尝试过切换出某人输入的值。我怎样才能捕获一个逗号,并将其替换为波浪线?

到目前为止我尝试过的 Javascript:

      var regExComma = /,/;
// i know i could check the numerical value, i feel this requirement can get more added to it and I would like to just change the regEx accordingly.
//it was a ',' switch it to '~'
         event.which = 126;
// added to show that the 'name' input form array is the only input that cares about the ','
    var regExDig = /[\d]/
    $("[name=min[]],[name=max[]]").live(keypress, function(event){
       if(!regExDig .test(String.fromCharCode(event.which)){
        $("#cfocFormMessages").trigger("updateMessages", {"url":"components.cfc/CFOC.cfc", "data":{"more":"stuff"}});

cfml/html 涉及:

<form action="components/CatagoryService.cfc?method=saveVersion">
<input id="version" name="version" type="text">
<!--- .. more inputs ..--->
<table id="table">
  <thead><tr><th>name col</th>
  <th>min col</th>
  <th>max col</th>
  <cfoutput query="variables.query">
  <tr><td><input name="name[]" type="text" value=""></td>
   <td><input name="min[]" type="text" value="#variables.query.min#"></td>
   <td><input name="max[]" type="text" value="#variables.query.max#"></td>
   <td><input name="id[]" type="hidden" value="">
     <a href="#" class="editLink">edit</a></td>
  <tr><td></td><td></td><td><a href="#" class="addLink">add</a></td></td></tr>
<input type="Submit"/>

如果我将 CatagoryService.cfc?method=saveVersion 更改为 <cfreturn arguments>在 JSON 字符串中,Coldfusion 的典型响应如下所示:

{VERSION:"",name:"name1,name2",min:"1,3", max:"2,4",id:"1,2"}


我把your HTML on jsfiddle (你可以在那里测试它)并添加这个 JavaScript,使用匹配所有和元素的选择器:

    $(document).delegate("input, textarea", "keyup", function(event){
        if(event.which === 188) {
            var cleanedValue = $(this).val().replace(",","~");

如果输入逗号(代码 188),则值字符串中的所有逗号都将替换为波浪号。

请记住,JavaScript 验证不是您想要依赖的。逗号可以很容易地发送到服务器或永远不会被替换,例如在禁用 JavaScript 的用户代理中。

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