javascript - 如何在 div 中找到第一个 id

标签 javascript jquery

我正在尝试创建需要此表单中的 ID 的脚本。我想在 otf_itm 类中找到第一个 id。所以在这种情况下,我正在寻找要返回的 town_id。我尝试了几种不同的选择,但到目前为止,它们都未定义


<div class="otf_itm">
    {if $towns|@count gt 0}
    <select class="form-control chosen add_town" name="town_id" id="town_id" data-rule-required="true" data-placeholder="Choose a town">
        <option value=""></option>
        {foreach $towns as $town}
        <option value="{$}" {if $ eq $form_data.town_id}selected="selected"{/if}>{$town.town_name}{if $town.region_name}, {$town.region_name}{/if}</option>
        <option value="ADD_NEW">Add new town...</option>
    <p class="mt5">You have no towns configured.</p>
    <p class="mt5"><a href="#modal-1" role="button" id="town_id" class="showhouse-text" data-toggle="modal">Add new town</a></p>



// selects elements with an id attribute within the .otf_itm element:
$('.otf_itm [id]')
// retrieves the first:
// gets the id property from that jQuery object:


// selects elements with an id attribute within the .otf_itm element:
$('.otf_itm [id]')
// retrieves the first:
// gets the id property from that jQuery object:


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