javascript - 在javascript中继承和使用父类(super class)的构造函数

标签 javascript inheritance

我想知道是否可以通过自动使用父类(super class)的构造函数在 javascript 中实例化子类。
考虑一下(受 this other question here on SO 启发):

function A(prop) {
    this.prop = prop;
A.prototype.whatAmI = function() {
        "I'm an instance of %s, my prop is %s",
        this instanceof A1? "A1" : "A2",

function A1() {
    A.apply(this, arguments);
A1.prototype = new A();
A1.prototype.constructor = A1;

function A2() {
    A.apply(this, arguments);
A2.prototype = new A();
A2.prototype.constructor = A2;

var a1 = new A1("foo").whatAmI(); //I'm an instance of A1, my prop is foo
var a2 = new A2("bar").whatAmI(); //I'm an instance of A2, my prop is bar

然而,引用this article ,在第一个示例中,我遇到了这行代码:

Cat.prototype.constructor = Cat;
//Otherwise instances of Cat would have a constructor of Mammal

我认为这正是我所需要的:A1A2 的实例具有 A 的构造函数。不幸的是,注释掉 A1.prototype.constructor = A1 并清空 A1 的主体(同样适用于 A2)不起作用:

function A1() {}
A1.prototype = new A();

function A2() {}
A2.prototype = new A();

var a1 = new A1("foo").whatAmI(); //I'm an instance of A1, my prop is undefined
var a2 = new A2("bar").whatAmI(); //I'm an instance of A2, my prop is undefined

最后,将 A 的构造函数更改为使用 arguments 对象而不是显式传递 prop 也没有效果:

function A() {
    this.prop = arguments[0];

是否有可能通过对 prototype 属性进行一些修改来实现我想要的?


Cat.prototype.constructor = Cat;
//Otherwise instances of Cat would have a constructor of Mammal

I thought that's exactly what I needed: that instances of A1 and A2 have the constructor of A.

不,他们不是这个意思。 A1A2函数仍然是它们自己的被调用的构造函数,你不能改变它。

文章描述的问题是 .constructor当您覆盖 A<i>X</i>.prototype 时,所有实例继承的属性指出它们的构造函数 不再有效.另见 What is the `constructor` property really used for? (和相关问题)。

Unfortunately commenting out A1.prototype.constructor = A1 and emptying A1's body (same goes for A2) does not work.

通过清空 body ,它不再做任何事情。您仍然需要调用 A明确地,你不会绕过那个。您可以做的是创建一个通用工厂,为 A 创建子类。没有做任何特别的事情,但我认为这不值得。

哦,别忘了:You should not use new for creating prototypes !

subclass(parent) {
    function Child() {
        parent.apply(this, arguments);
    Child.prototype = Object.create(parent.prototype);
    Child.prototype.constructor = Child;
    return Child;

function A(prop) {
    this.prop = prop;
A.prototype.whatAmI = function() {
        "I'm an instance of %s, my prop is %s",
        this instanceof A1? "A1" : "A2",
var A1 = subclass(A),
    A2 = subclass(A);

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