javascript - momentjs 中的周数计算不正确

标签 javascript momentjs week-number

我在 moment 2.9.0 中使用 node.js

var moment = require("moment");
var d = moment.utc([2014, 11, 27]);
var iso = d.toISOString();
var week = d.week();

显示 iso = "2014-12-27T00:00:00.000Z" 周为 52。

但是如果 var d = moment.utc([2014, 11, 28]);

iso 是 2014-12-28T00:00:00.000Z

星期是 1。为什么?



可以找到答案in the docs :

The week of the year varies depending on which day is the first day of the week (Sunday, Monday, etc), and which week is the first week of the year.

For example, in the United States, Sunday is the first day of the week. The week with January 1st in it is the first week of the year.

因此,2015 年第 1 周(通过此函数)是:

  • 2014-12-28(星期日)
  • 2014-12-29(星期一)
  • 2014-12-30(星期二)
  • 2014-12-31(星期三)
  • 2015-01-01(星期四)
  • 2015-01-02(星期五)
  • 2015-01-03(星期六)

还值得一提的是,moment 还有isoWeek函数,符合 ISO 8601 week numbering system .

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