javascript - 将新子项插入递归 Polymer 组件时无法读取未定义的属性 ‘concat’

标签 javascript polymer-1.0

我在使用递归 Polymer 组件时遇到问题,该组件具有用于将新元素插入自身的按钮。它具有用于插入元素的 add 链接。它们在单击我最初定义的元素时起作用,但对于通过添加插入的元素失败 — 我收到错误消息 Cannot read property ‘concat’ of undefined

要触发错误,请单击任何 add 链接,这将成功插入一个节点,然后在插入的节点上再次单击 add。这将因错误而失败。

<script src=""></script>
<link rel="import" href="">

<template is="dom-bind">
<dom-module id="test-insert">
    <test-recurse object="[[_object]]"></test-recurse>

<dom-module id="test-recurse">
      a { color: blue; text-decoration: underline; cursor: pointer; padding-left: 1em;}
    Label: <span>[[object.label]]</span>   <a on-click="_pushNewElement">add</a>

      <template is="dom-repeat" items="[[object.children]]">
        <li><test-recurse object="[[item]]"></test-recurse></li>
(function () {
    is: 'test-insert',
    properties: {
      _object: Object

    ready: function () {
      this._object = {
        label: 'a1', 
        children: [
          { label: 'b1', children: [] }, 
          { label: 'b2', children: [{label: 'c1', children: []}] }

  var count = 0;
    is: 'test-recurse',
    properties: {
      object: Object
    _pushNewElement: function () {
      var newLabel = {label: 'Object ' + (++count)};
      console.log({newLabel: newLabel}, '_pushNewElement');
      this.object.children = this.object.children || [];
      this.unshift('object.children', newLabel);




this.set('object.children', this.object.children || []);

未正确创建 children 数组。

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